ABC: Bible Meditation for Me! D Is for Discern!
ABC: Bible Meditation for Me! Bible Meditation Vs. Eastern Meditation
Introduction: This is a lesson in a twenty-six part ABC series for parents, grandparents, homeschoolers, kids, and youth workers. Look for many more letters to be posted one by one.Please share!
D Is for Discern!
D is for discern!
Yes, it's your turn
to learn how
to detect deception,
to do it right now!
D is for discern!
Yes, it's your turn
to do your part
to work passionately
to nurture young hearts.
ABC: Bible Meditations for Me!
These ABC lessons are written to help you learn to watch out for deceptive practices people are teaching. Many people do these practices, e.g. yoga or mindfulness, thinking these activities are good for them not realizing the hidden dangers behind them. Through these lessons I hope you will instead of ignoring them, or practicing them will learn to red flag them. Most of all I pray that you will learn to discern things that are good, or dangerous for you. And after, share with others!
Danger! Red Flag Warnings!
Have you ever been to a beach that had a flag that flew when there were stormy seas, strong tides, or other dangers? I have. When I spy a red flag I don't get in the water for I know bad things might happen. Yes, sometimes certain things we see or hear alert us to danger, and we call them red flags!
Red Flag Warnings!
Red flags are warnings,
there's danger somewhere.
Yes, red flags are warnings
to stop and beware!
The Dee B. Red Flag Letter
Dee B. and her husband once sent us a letter. It was a warning letter telling us some folks had brought in strange doctrine or ideas into the church we attended. She warned us this was deception. And we listened.
Old Testament Warnings!
God often warned his special people, the Israelites, that they were to be careful not to do things with the people who lived round them, for these people worshipped other gods or idols that they bowed down to and served. Over and over God, through Moses and others, told them "Ye shall not go after other gods of the people which are round about you." Today too, the Lord commands in Exodus 5:7: "Thou shalt have no other god before me."
A Deuteronomy Do-it Meditation Verse
Here's a verse to think about, and to learn. It is what I like to call a "Deuteronomy Do It Verse!'
Deuteronomy 30:14 "But the word is very nigh unto thee, in thy mouth, and in thy heart, that thou mayest do it!"
This Book of the Law
This book of the Law
shall not depart
Out of my mouth,
Out of my heart,
For I will meditate
the Bible way
in its words every day.
From: Deuteronomy 20:14/Joshua 1:8
The Do-It! Book Mark
Cut out a rectangular book mark. Hold vertically, fold over the top of marker about half way down the remainder of the marker. On top flap print: Deut.30:14 "Do it! Open flap and print the verse onto the marker.
Eastern Meditation
Your Turn to Discern
Everywhere today one will encounter signs, logos, books, videos, magazines, and so on that promote yoga and mindfulness. The bottom line is while your children are with you whenever you spot a red flag word, logo, or item talk with them right then. Point it out. Use scripture. If parents will consistently do this, kids will soon be pointing things out to you. Deuteronomy 6:6,7 says: "And these words which I command thee this day, shall be in thine heart; and thou shalt teach them diligently unto thy children, and shalt talk of them when thou sittest in thine house, and when thou walkest by the way, and when thou liest down, and when thou risest up."
Make a Red Flag Word Box
Allow kids to cut out red flag rectangles; tape to straws. Help them to write red flag words found in the lessons onto the flags. Keep them in a box or bag. Talk about them with your youngsters. Play a game with them by describing or defining red flag words selected from your child's collection. See if they can pick out what you are describing.
Parental Suggestion:
Book Look:
Listen to the YouTube read aloud book ABC: Mindfulness for Me by Christiane Engel. Be sure to hit the full screen icon. Use the pause button so you may view each page carefully. Notice the illustrations. Listen to the clever rhymes. Pay attention to terms you need to learn.
Pictures/ Words to Notice:
First Picture Page: View. Buddhas, lotus flower, dream catchers. Especially notice these terms/pictures: B: breath, breathing tool C: compassion, Buddhist term D: dreamcatcher E: energy, flow F: feelings M: meditation, inner peace N: Namaste P: present, mandala U: universe, all one V: thank the earth W: mindful walk Y: yoga Z: Zen Pay attention to ending sections as well.