Thursday, November 21, 2019

A, J, N, Q, T, U, V, Parental Suggestions

A, J, N, Q, T, U, V  Parental Suggestions for ABC: Bible Meditations for Me!  Bible Meditation Vs. Eastern Meditation

A Is for Affirmation

Parental Suggestion:

Affirmations for Kids Aligned with New Age "Law of Attraction"

Here's a video Youtube look at the book:  The Law of Attraction for Kids: Using Affirmations to Build Self Esteem by Jennifer Quaggin for 7-10 year olds which combines saying affirmations with the New Age "Law of Attraction."   Beside its book photo it says, "Do you believe in magic? …  If you use The Law of Attraction you can be anything you want to be, you can have anything you want to have.  All your most wonderful dreams will come true!  …  All you have to do is read this book for twenty-one days in a row. …."  What outright lies this book teaches!  View it here:

 J Is for Judgment

Parental Suggestion:

"Are You Raising a Judgmental Child?"
"Are You Raising a Judgmental Child?"  That is the question "Being the Parent" asks.  A Christian parent might answer it saying, "Yes, I am trying to raise my child to be able to judge, to discern, and to know good judgment because I put my hope in the word of God." 

However, the writer of the question, lists ten ways to avoid having a child learn to make good judgments and to know right from wrong.  And for much of the world these days deciding between light and dark, good and evil, and right and wrong are just not politically correct and are certainly not tolerant. 

The writer begins warning the reader to be careful to seldom say, "that is right."  Rather, one should say of certain situations, "that is socially acceptable."  Another tip to raise a non-judgmental child is not to have a "my way, or the highway attitude."  But, God's word says in John 14:6: "I am the way, the truth and the life: no man comes to the Father, but by me."  If you are a true believer, there is but "one way."  Find article here:

N Is for Namaste

Parental Suggestion:

Notice Namaste Is Much More than A Greeting!

Familiarize yourself with Yogapedia by looking up "Namaste" in its dictionary.  Note its article
"Yogapedia Explains Namaste"  which begins: "The significance of the word namaste goes far beyond its use as a greeting; namaste is an acknowledgement that we are all divine and that we all are ultimately connected. …"  Find it here at:

Q Is For Quiet

Parental Suggestion:

Sitting Still Like a Frog Parent Book Look 

Sitting Still Like a Frog (2014) for ages five-twelve by Eline Snel can be viewed at books.  Click below the "Look Inside" words to see a bit about this popular book.  Note that Jon Kabot-Zinn, mindfulness guru, has done the foreword, and his wife Myla Zinn does audios of exercises described in the book.  The book published by Shambhala Publishers is but one of the numerous books that you might find in your local library or bookstore.  Red flag this and like books, or anything published by Shambhala.*

Hindu or Tibetan Buddhist mythical paradise spoken of in ancient texts.  (Wikipedia)

Click here:

T Is for Thoughts

Parental Suggestion:

Some Thoughts on the Book Seven Little Monkeys

View the book Seven Little Monkeys by Joanie Woodward based on the well-known rhyme "Five Little Monkeys" However, this bedtime tale teaches little ones about a monkey who had seven tiny chakra-colored monkeys chitter-chattering in its brain picturing the "monkey mind thoughts" that stopped it from sleeping.

As the rhyme progresses (complete with background monkey sounds), one by one a little monkey leaves the monkey's mind until it falls asleep. Be sure to notice the wall sign: "Om Sweet Home."  Next comes pages with the Om symbol itself.

At the video's end the listener should pause the button to read carefully the note: "To the Reader" explaining the words and symbols in the book including: definitions of yoga, deep belly breathing, Om, yogi, yogini, namaste, and chakra colors.  This book truly is what the "monkey mind" is all about, and it isn't a cute bedtime tale at all.  Ponder this parents!  Beware of these words, symbols, and colors! Beware of this book! View it here!

V Is for Verses/Visualization

Parental Suggestions

Be Alert to Bedtime/Naptime Guided Meditations!

Guided visualization scripts are often used before naptime or bedtime.  Be especially aware of this should your child or grandchild be enrolled in any kind of a PreK or K program (even a church program!) that includes a rest time.  Always ask what is done to get the children to settle down.
Steer clear of programs where the teacher uses the internet via a smart board, for example, and randomly chooses video visualizations that seem soothing.  

Listen to Dr. Becky Bailey's (Conscious Discipline Founder) Meditation Script!

Dr. Becky Bailey's "Safe and Calm Meditation" (The Learning Station) done in Bailey's mesmerizing voice instructs children how to quiet and calm their bodies and minds.  Listen to it twice!!  Can you discern its deceptions?*  Click here:

*  For more about this video and Dr. Bailey's program read; "The Conscious Discipline Program's Link to A Course in Miracles and Mindfulness Meditation" found on my blog.

Another Example of a Guided Kids' Visualization Video

View the brief kids' Youtube video "Falling Leaves Meditation-Guided Visualization for Kids" from Simply Successful Program (2017) to see what guided visualization is all about.  View here:

U Is for Understanding/Upside Down

Parental Suggestion:

Wisdom from Proverbs for Parents
In this lesson kids were taught that understanding comes from the Lord, whereas our own understanding takes us away from the Lord.  The mantra of the world is to "believe in yourself" or "have it your way."  While the mindset of a Christian is to "Trust in the Lord with all thine heart, and lean not unto thine own understanding." (Proverbs 3:5)

Instead of running to such worldly teachers as John Kabat-Zinn, the Dalai Lama, or Thich Nhat Hahn we are to read the Word and follow God's wisdom if we truly desire understanding that gives life, happiness, and peace.  And the book of Proverbs is the perfect place to begin.  

Therefore, become a Proverb parent and study the book, highlighting and meditating on all the "wisdom and understanding verses."  Share them with your children.  As Proverbs 9:10 reminds us:  "The fear of the LORD is the beginning of wisdom, and the knowledge of the holy is understanding."