Hear It! ABC: Deuteronomy for Me! Raising a Caleb Kid in a Disrupted World
This is the eighth lesson in a Deuteronomy series for homeschoolers, students, teachers, parents, grandparents, and YOU. The last lesson,"Give It/Good Land", introduced the land "promise verses" that God gave to his special people the Israelites. With its star theme and its interactive sites, kids will understand God always has been a promise keeper! In "Hear It", kids will learn about "The Shema" prayer that Jesus himself quoted as well as listen to Shema videos. Teach your kids the scriptures given. And make it your goal to daily "Give A Shout Out to Reading Scripture Aloud" at your house!
Little Kids: (Ages 4-7)
H Is for Hear It!
H is for hear it,
D is for darken
Deuteronomy* verses
to which one should hearken!
* Bible verses
Discuss It: H Is for Hear It!
What little word is hiding in the word hearken? What does the word hearken mean? Why should we highlight or darken special verses in our Bibles? Print the little rhyme in your journal. Draw a picture of the Bible in which we hear God speak to us.
Think About It! "And the Lord Heard It!"
There's a song that goes: "He sees what we do, He hears what we say, my God is watching all the time, time, time; He sees what we do, he hears what we say. My God is watching all the time." Who is it that sees us and listens to every word we say?
Way back in Moses' day God was listening. In Numbers 11 when the people grumbled and mumbled, the Lord heard it. In Numbers 12 when his sister Miriam and his brother Aaron murmured against Moses, the Lord heard it. In Deuteronomy 1 when the ten spies did not trust in the Lord he heard the voice of their words. He wasn't happy with them. But, He was pleased with Caleb and Joshua who trusted in him.
Listen to It: Collin Covers his Ears
A little boy named Collin was busily playing at the park. As he played, Collin kept getting farther away from his brother and his dad. Pretty soon his dad noticed that Collin had wandered quite far away. So his dad yelled, "Collin, come here!" But little Collin just covered his ears and continued playing. So his dad called once more, "Collin, come here!" But still Collin didn't come. Finally, his dad came after him and carried him back where he would be safe.
How like Collin you and I are. Often God speaks to us in his word and warns us to come back to him. But we 'cover our ears' and turn away from his word. We want our own way. We go astray like a sheep that wanders from the Shepherd. Finally, the Lord gets our attention and sometimes has to drag us away from what we are doing wrong. Sometimes the Lord has to punish us.
Think of It: One Little Word: If!
Has your dad or mom ever said to you "If you are a good boy or girl today tonight you may have some ice cream." Did you notice the word "if"? If you are good you'll get a reward, but if not they'll be a consequence. God says things like that too. He said to his people if you obey you will be happy and blessed, and if you disobey you'll be sad and punished. Always listen for the "if" words--because that makes a difference!
Know It: An Itty Bitty Word
There are some little words you're learning to read that I call "itty bitty" words. I know you can read some of them: it, if, is, at, in and some others as well. Listen to this little poem. And the next time you hear a story with "ifs" in it, or "its" in think of this. And remember if (there it is again) you say you'll do something, you should keep your word.
An Itty Bitty Word
In the Bible there's
an itty bitty word
you mustn't miss
and that itty bitty
word is this, this,
this-- if!
In the Bible there's
an itty bitty word
you mustn't miss
and that itty bitty
word is this, this,
* Insert: is, in, do and so on. List the itty bitty words on your white board and let the kids add other two letter words to the list. Don't forget to notice which little word is in "itty bitty!"
Hear It: A Great Voice Story: An If and It Story!
In Deuteronomy 5, there's the story of how God's people had gathered round Mt. Horeb where they heard a great voice come to them out of the fire, the cloud, and the darkness. There God spoke out loud ten commandments to the crowd at the bottom of the mountain. The people were scared and came near to Moses. They said, "... we have heard his voice out of the midst of the fire: we have seen this day that God doth talk with man, and he liveth." They continued: "This great fire will destroy us: if we hear the voice of the Lord our God any more ….. So Moses, you 'go … near, and hear all that the LORD shall speak …; and we will hear it and do it.'" So Moses did. Did the people keep their word to obey? Read more of the story in Deuteronomy 9 to find out.
Say It: Deuteronomy 6:25 If Verse
"And it shall be for our righteousness (for our good), if we observe to do all these commandments before the Lord our God. …." (Point to selves. On "if" raise voice, point up, and wag index finger.)
Notice Deuteronomy 6:3 says, "Hear therefore, O Israel, if we observe to do it (heed God's commands); that it may be well with thee …." The next two verses, the Shema, once again begins with "Hear. O, Israel ….! Finally, it ends with Deut. 6:24 which says it will be for our good if we fear God, and obey all his commands.
Do It: Bible Verse to Do List
Level: Grades 1/2 Prep It: Each child needs his own Bible, three highlighters including a yellow one, pen or pencil, and white board with verses on it.
Two More If Verses
Guide the children:
* Turn to Deuteronomy 28:1,2. Darken them with a yellow highlighter.
* Find: it; ifs, and hearken; use a darker highlighter to darken them.
* By first "hearken" write "L" for listen. By second "hearken" make "O" for obey.
* Finish this: The word "hearken" can mean either to ------ (listen) or to ---- (obey).
* What does hearken diligently mean? Listen carefully!
* Whose voice are they to listen to? The LORD (note upper case letters) thy God!
* Does God speak out loud to us like he did with "his great voice?" No, he speaks through his word the Bible.
* What little words do you see in these verses? it, if, of, to, do, on ….
* How many ifs did you find? If God's people listened and obeyed God said they would be blessed and things would go well for them..
* What is the opposite of obey? What would happen if they disobeyed? See Deut. 18:15.
Learn It: A Caleb Kid's Motto
A Caleb Kid's Motto
I want to be a Caleb kid,
dutiful, diligent, vigilant,
obedient, a writer and reciter
of God's Word!
Discuss: What does diligent mean? How about vigilant? What is a reciter?
!Idea! Use online KJV Bible both written and audio sites to view the verses too. Vary the methods, the tools, and the ways you read the verse. Variety is key to keeping kids interested and challenged. Be aware K kids today are able to sit down and write in a journal the first thing. To aid in spelling use picture dictionaries. Expect that every day they'll write or copy something into their journal. Teach discipline and teach diligence!
Make-It: Deuteronomy 6:25 "If" Verse Marker
Prep It: letter sheet; small scissors: blue, red, and white paper; stapler; verse strip; glue …..
Trace I and F onto blue square 2 1/2 X 2 1/2". Use tiny scissors to cut out the I and F. Cut a white rectangle marker about 2 1/2"X 5". Slide smaller red square behind the blue paper so you can see the red "If" peeking through. Staple both papers at the top of the marker so "If " section fits over paper edge.
Print Deut. 6:25; cut into strip; and glue to front of marker--some of it will be behind the blue/red "If" part. Read verse; practice saying it. Place in Bible.
Pray It: Some Children Pray "The Shema"
Little Jewish boys and girls first prayer is the Shema. They pray it morning and night. They cover their eyes with their right hand. Their prayer is from Deuteronomy 6:4-5. Little boys and girls from Christian homes often say "The Lord's Prayer." They scrunch up their eyes tight as they copy their parents. When my grandson was about two, as he was put into his crib, he'd say, "Let's pray Father!"
Not long ago I saw a picture of Malawian African children being taught to pray at a Christian preschool in the most unique fashion. The little boys stood in a line in front of one teacher and the little girls in a line in front of the another teacher. They all stood still with hands folded. Some were pinching their eyes shut. At the head of the lines facing the children stood their teachers with folded hands leading the prayers. What an unforgettable photo! Oh, that we might teach our children to pray in such a simple, reverent way.
Always our Heavenly Father hears the prayers of little ones. Moses instructed the Israelite parents to diligently or carefully teach the Shema to their children. In fact the Shema was copied and placed in their Mezuzah at their door so that every time they walked by they'd remember the prayer tucked inside.
Also view this Shema picture book: "Look Inside" the very first board book Goodnight Sh'Ma by Jacqueline Jules (2008) here:
Older Kids (Ages 8-12)
Learn It: The Shema--Hear, O Israel!
Two of the most important verses in Deuteronomy for Jewish children are Deuteronomy 6:4,5 part of the first prayer Jewish children learn. It's called the "Shema." It says, "Hear, O Israel: The LORD our God is one LORD: And thou shalt love the LORD thy God with all thine heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy might." In Hebrew Shema means "listen!" But, as short video below tells us it means "obey" as well.
Listen to "Word Study: Shema 'Listen'" (Bible Project) here:
Make-It: The Shema Bookmark
There's an attractive image that can be made into a special marker. Simply print it off; cut round its border; and glue it to construction paper. There are a number of other images similar to this that can be printed and used as a marker. Find image here:
Understand It: "Lesson From the Shema"
An article titled "Lesson From the Shema" explains that the Shema is the main prayer found in the Jewish Siddur or prayer book. When it is recited in the synagogue, Orthodox Jews make sure to say each word carefully covering their eyes with their right hand. It is composed of three parts: Deuteronomy 6:4-9, Deuteronomy 11:13:21, and Numbers 15:37-41. Read more here:
Note It: Jesus Quotes the Shema
In Mark 12:28-34 Jesus quoted the Shema from Deuteronomy 6. In the same passage the scribe questioning Jesus quotes from Deuteronomy 4:39. Find this story and read it. Over and over Jesus quoted from the Old Testament. I don't think I've ever been more aware of this than as I studied this "book of Moses." I have gone through every book in my Bible noting and placing a tiny check mark beside the Deuteronomy verses referenced in both testaments. How this has blessed me, opening my eyes to how beautifully the Bible text flows together!
Be sure and teach your youngsters how to use the verse references found in the center column of their Bible or below each verse. If you do, your child will be on the way to becoming one who studies to show themselves approved unto God, someone who digs deep into Scripture!
Find It: Shema Images
The Shema Image pages can be very useful. If you see an image you'd like to print click on it, and print it--often they are just the right size to be a book mark or pictures for a small book. One color book page I printed was just right for making it into an unusual marker kids could color. Select some for discussion with your children. For every Deuteronomy topic there is usually an image page--so use them!
Remember: You can use any part of these lessons as you like--if there are sections that the older children aren't familiar with under "Little Kids" use that as well.
Listen to it: Deuteronomy Warnings
Deuteronomy 18:9-14
Deuteronomy 18:9-14 are verses to darken (Highlight!)
to which one should definitely hearken; (Listen!)
Deuteronomy 18:9-14 are verses to quote (Say them!)
with important warnings all must note! (Remember them!)
Read these verses aloud with your children. Discuss.
Youth Sleuth: Explore More! Define Hearken!
Hearken is an old English word. What does it mean? Go to an online dictionary to find out. Hearken is like "shema ." In what way? In Deuteronomy there are a number of "hearken" verses you should darken or mark'em. Search for them. Mark 'em.
Understand It: Do not Hearken to Diviners!
Deuteronomy 18:14 says "For these nations, which thou shalt possess, hearkened (listened) unto observers of times, and unto diviners: but as for thee (God's people), the LORD thy God hath not suffered thee so to do." Back in Moses' day the Israelites joined with people around them listening to diviners. Even today people still do this.
Channeling is a form of divination used in a book from the 1930s where two lady listeners took pen in hand to write down messages given by voices they heard in their heads. Were these voices from the Lord? No, they were from "another Jesus." Now, this book was called God Calling.
Does the title God Calling make you think of the Jesus Calling books you've seen everywhere? How are the Jesus Calling books connected to God Calling? In her first edition of Jesus Calling Sarah told her readers that before writing Jesus Calling she'd read God Calling. After Sarah said she was so inspired by the book she too decided to take a pen in hand, listen, and hear 'messages from the Lord.' Much has been written about Sarah's unbiblical messages found throughout her books and even her publisher's later removal of some of them. Recall Jesus' words in Matthew 24:4, "Take heed that no man deceive you." For more information: Read former New Ager's Warren Smiths books/booklets about the many problems with Jesus Calling here: http://warrenbsmith.com/
In summary, it's not Sarah's messages we need to read, but God's words we need to heed. Most of all we need to pick up our Bible, read it, and fill our mind with its words. And don't forget Deuteronomy's warning not to add or subtract from it.
G Is for God Calling C is for Channeling
G is for God Calling C is for channeling
a book title to know a practice you'll find
from which Jesus Calling that inserts deceiving
began to flow. thoughts into one's mind.
Teachers, Parents, Grandparents, YOU!
Hear It! Give a Shout Out to Scripture Read Aloud!
In Deuteronomy, Moses gathered the people together at various times to hear the words of the Lord spoken aloud. Therefore, take out your Bible gather your children around, and read the word aloud. Let its sound reverberate around you. Let its sound surround you. Let it be heard in your house!
Blessed was I to have a dad and mom who took the time every night to sit down and open the Bible and read it aloud. It wasn't a once in awhile thing or something we did at Christmas. It was something we did nearly every night of every single year I lived there. What a blessed time that was. If you've never ever done this begin now--this day-- as Moses said again and again. Today give a shout out to reading God's Word aloud!
Way back in Moses' day God was listening. In Numbers 11 when the people grumbled and mumbled, the Lord heard it. In Numbers 12 when his sister Miriam and his brother Aaron murmured against Moses, the Lord heard it. In Deuteronomy 1 when the ten spies did not trust in the Lord he heard the voice of their words. He wasn't happy with them. But, He was pleased with Caleb and Joshua who trusted in him.
Listen to It: Collin Covers his Ears
A little boy named Collin was busily playing at the park. As he played, Collin kept getting farther away from his brother and his dad. Pretty soon his dad noticed that Collin had wandered quite far away. So his dad yelled, "Collin, come here!" But little Collin just covered his ears and continued playing. So his dad called once more, "Collin, come here!" But still Collin didn't come. Finally, his dad came after him and carried him back where he would be safe.
How like Collin you and I are. Often God speaks to us in his word and warns us to come back to him. But we 'cover our ears' and turn away from his word. We want our own way. We go astray like a sheep that wanders from the Shepherd. Finally, the Lord gets our attention and sometimes has to drag us away from what we are doing wrong. Sometimes the Lord has to punish us.
Think of It: One Little Word: If!
Has your dad or mom ever said to you "If you are a good boy or girl today tonight you may have some ice cream." Did you notice the word "if"? If you are good you'll get a reward, but if not they'll be a consequence. God says things like that too. He said to his people if you obey you will be happy and blessed, and if you disobey you'll be sad and punished. Always listen for the "if" words--because that makes a difference!
Know It: An Itty Bitty Word
There are some little words you're learning to read that I call "itty bitty" words. I know you can read some of them: it, if, is, at, in and some others as well. Listen to this little poem. And the next time you hear a story with "ifs" in it, or "its" in think of this. And remember if (there it is again) you say you'll do something, you should keep your word.
An Itty Bitty Word
In the Bible there's
an itty bitty word
you mustn't miss
and that itty bitty
word is this, this,
this-- if!
In the Bible there's
an itty bitty word
you mustn't miss
and that itty bitty
word is this, this,
* Insert: is, in, do and so on. List the itty bitty words on your white board and let the kids add other two letter words to the list. Don't forget to notice which little word is in "itty bitty!"
Hear It: A Great Voice Story: An If and It Story!
In Deuteronomy 5, there's the story of how God's people had gathered round Mt. Horeb where they heard a great voice come to them out of the fire, the cloud, and the darkness. There God spoke out loud ten commandments to the crowd at the bottom of the mountain. The people were scared and came near to Moses. They said, "... we have heard his voice out of the midst of the fire: we have seen this day that God doth talk with man, and he liveth." They continued: "This great fire will destroy us: if we hear the voice of the Lord our God any more ….. So Moses, you 'go … near, and hear all that the LORD shall speak …; and we will hear it and do it.'" So Moses did. Did the people keep their word to obey? Read more of the story in Deuteronomy 9 to find out.
Say It: Deuteronomy 6:25 If Verse
"And it shall be for our righteousness (for our good), if we observe to do all these commandments before the Lord our God. …." (Point to selves. On "if" raise voice, point up, and wag index finger.)
Notice Deuteronomy 6:3 says, "Hear therefore, O Israel, if we observe to do it (heed God's commands); that it may be well with thee …." The next two verses, the Shema, once again begins with "Hear. O, Israel ….! Finally, it ends with Deut. 6:24 which says it will be for our good if we fear God, and obey all his commands.
Do It: Bible Verse to Do List
Level: Grades 1/2 Prep It: Each child needs his own Bible, three highlighters including a yellow one, pen or pencil, and white board with verses on it.
Two More If Verses
Guide the children:
* Turn to Deuteronomy 28:1,2. Darken them with a yellow highlighter.
* Find: it; ifs, and hearken; use a darker highlighter to darken them.
* By first "hearken" write "L" for listen. By second "hearken" make "O" for obey.
* Finish this: The word "hearken" can mean either to ------ (listen) or to ---- (obey).
* What does hearken diligently mean? Listen carefully!
* Whose voice are they to listen to? The LORD (note upper case letters) thy God!
* Does God speak out loud to us like he did with "his great voice?" No, he speaks through his word the Bible.
* What little words do you see in these verses? it, if, of, to, do, on ….
* How many ifs did you find? If God's people listened and obeyed God said they would be blessed and things would go well for them..
* What is the opposite of obey? What would happen if they disobeyed? See Deut. 18:15.
Learn It: A Caleb Kid's Motto
A Caleb Kid's Motto
I want to be a Caleb kid,
dutiful, diligent, vigilant,
obedient, a writer and reciter
of God's Word!
Discuss: What does diligent mean? How about vigilant? What is a reciter?
!Idea! Use online KJV Bible both written and audio sites to view the verses too. Vary the methods, the tools, and the ways you read the verse. Variety is key to keeping kids interested and challenged. Be aware K kids today are able to sit down and write in a journal the first thing. To aid in spelling use picture dictionaries. Expect that every day they'll write or copy something into their journal. Teach discipline and teach diligence!
Make-It: Deuteronomy 6:25 "If" Verse Marker
Prep It: letter sheet; small scissors: blue, red, and white paper; stapler; verse strip; glue …..
Trace I and F onto blue square 2 1/2 X 2 1/2". Use tiny scissors to cut out the I and F. Cut a white rectangle marker about 2 1/2"X 5". Slide smaller red square behind the blue paper so you can see the red "If" peeking through. Staple both papers at the top of the marker so "If " section fits over paper edge.
Print Deut. 6:25; cut into strip; and glue to front of marker--some of it will be behind the blue/red "If" part. Read verse; practice saying it. Place in Bible.
Pray It: Some Children Pray "The Shema"
Little Jewish boys and girls first prayer is the Shema. They pray it morning and night. They cover their eyes with their right hand. Their prayer is from Deuteronomy 6:4-5. Little boys and girls from Christian homes often say "The Lord's Prayer." They scrunch up their eyes tight as they copy their parents. When my grandson was about two, as he was put into his crib, he'd say, "Let's pray Father!"
Not long ago I saw a picture of Malawian African children being taught to pray at a Christian preschool in the most unique fashion. The little boys stood in a line in front of one teacher and the little girls in a line in front of the another teacher. They all stood still with hands folded. Some were pinching their eyes shut. At the head of the lines facing the children stood their teachers with folded hands leading the prayers. What an unforgettable photo! Oh, that we might teach our children to pray in such a simple, reverent way.
Always our Heavenly Father hears the prayers of little ones. Moses instructed the Israelite parents to diligently or carefully teach the Shema to their children. In fact the Shema was copied and placed in their Mezuzah at their door so that every time they walked by they'd remember the prayer tucked inside.
Also view this Shema picture book: "Look Inside" the very first board book Goodnight Sh'Ma by Jacqueline Jules (2008) here:
Older Kids (Ages 8-12)
Learn It: The Shema--Hear, O Israel!
Two of the most important verses in Deuteronomy for Jewish children are Deuteronomy 6:4,5 part of the first prayer Jewish children learn. It's called the "Shema." It says, "Hear, O Israel: The LORD our God is one LORD: And thou shalt love the LORD thy God with all thine heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy might." In Hebrew Shema means "listen!" But, as short video below tells us it means "obey" as well.
Listen to "Word Study: Shema 'Listen'" (Bible Project) here:
Make-It: The Shema Bookmark
There's an attractive image that can be made into a special marker. Simply print it off; cut round its border; and glue it to construction paper. There are a number of other images similar to this that can be printed and used as a marker. Find image here:
Understand It: "Lesson From the Shema"
An article titled "Lesson From the Shema" explains that the Shema is the main prayer found in the Jewish Siddur or prayer book. When it is recited in the synagogue, Orthodox Jews make sure to say each word carefully covering their eyes with their right hand. It is composed of three parts: Deuteronomy 6:4-9, Deuteronomy 11:13:21, and Numbers 15:37-41. Read more here:
Note It: Jesus Quotes the Shema
In Mark 12:28-34 Jesus quoted the Shema from Deuteronomy 6. In the same passage the scribe questioning Jesus quotes from Deuteronomy 4:39. Find this story and read it. Over and over Jesus quoted from the Old Testament. I don't think I've ever been more aware of this than as I studied this "book of Moses." I have gone through every book in my Bible noting and placing a tiny check mark beside the Deuteronomy verses referenced in both testaments. How this has blessed me, opening my eyes to how beautifully the Bible text flows together!
Be sure and teach your youngsters how to use the verse references found in the center column of their Bible or below each verse. If you do, your child will be on the way to becoming one who studies to show themselves approved unto God, someone who digs deep into Scripture!
Find It: Shema Images
The Shema Image pages can be very useful. If you see an image you'd like to print click on it, and print it--often they are just the right size to be a book mark or pictures for a small book. One color book page I printed was just right for making it into an unusual marker kids could color. Select some for discussion with your children. For every Deuteronomy topic there is usually an image page--so use them!
Remember: You can use any part of these lessons as you like--if there are sections that the older children aren't familiar with under "Little Kids" use that as well.
Listen to it: Deuteronomy Warnings
Deuteronomy 18:9-14
Deuteronomy 18:9-14 are verses to darken (Highlight!)
to which one should definitely hearken; (Listen!)
Deuteronomy 18:9-14 are verses to quote (Say them!)
with important warnings all must note! (Remember them!)
Read these verses aloud with your children. Discuss.
Youth Sleuth: Explore More! Define Hearken!
Hearken is an old English word. What does it mean? Go to an online dictionary to find out. Hearken is like "shema ." In what way? In Deuteronomy there are a number of "hearken" verses you should darken or mark'em. Search for them. Mark 'em.
Understand It: Do not Hearken to Diviners!
Deuteronomy 18:14 says "For these nations, which thou shalt possess, hearkened (listened) unto observers of times, and unto diviners: but as for thee (God's people), the LORD thy God hath not suffered thee so to do." Back in Moses' day the Israelites joined with people around them listening to diviners. Even today people still do this.
Channeling is a form of divination used in a book from the 1930s where two lady listeners took pen in hand to write down messages given by voices they heard in their heads. Were these voices from the Lord? No, they were from "another Jesus." Now, this book was called God Calling.
Does the title God Calling make you think of the Jesus Calling books you've seen everywhere? How are the Jesus Calling books connected to God Calling? In her first edition of Jesus Calling Sarah told her readers that before writing Jesus Calling she'd read God Calling. After Sarah said she was so inspired by the book she too decided to take a pen in hand, listen, and hear 'messages from the Lord.' Much has been written about Sarah's unbiblical messages found throughout her books and even her publisher's later removal of some of them. Recall Jesus' words in Matthew 24:4, "Take heed that no man deceive you." For more information: Read former New Ager's Warren Smiths books/booklets about the many problems with Jesus Calling here: http://warrenbsmith.com/
In summary, it's not Sarah's messages we need to read, but God's words we need to heed. Most of all we need to pick up our Bible, read it, and fill our mind with its words. And don't forget Deuteronomy's warning not to add or subtract from it.
G Is for God Calling C is for Channeling
G is for God Calling C is for channeling
a book title to know a practice you'll find
from which Jesus Calling that inserts deceiving
began to flow. thoughts into one's mind.
Teachers, Parents, Grandparents, YOU!
Hear It! Give a Shout Out to Scripture Read Aloud!
In Deuteronomy, Moses gathered the people together at various times to hear the words of the Lord spoken aloud. Therefore, take out your Bible gather your children around, and read the word aloud. Let its sound reverberate around you. Let its sound surround you. Let it be heard in your house!
Blessed was I to have a dad and mom who took the time every night to sit down and open the Bible and read it aloud. It wasn't a once in awhile thing or something we did at Christmas. It was something we did nearly every night of every single year I lived there. What a blessed time that was. If you've never ever done this begin now--this day-- as Moses said again and again. Today give a shout out to reading God's Word aloud!