Saturday, February 27, 2021

U Is for Utter It: ABC: Deuteronomy for Me: Raising a Caleb Kid in a Disrupted World

U Is for Utter It:  ABC: Deuteronomy for Me: Raising a Caleb Kid in a Disrupted World

Teachers, parents, grandparents: never miss the end section especially written for you discussing current issues/books/videos that you can share with others or your children. Do scroll to the end to read this.  Also, do not miss the photographs at the end of every lesson!  

U Is for Utter It!

U is for utter it:
to declare it
to share it,
to air it aloud;
to express it
boldly in a crowd!

What is it that we are to be uttering?  The Word of God!  Paul writes in Ephesians 6:19:  "And for me, that utterance may be given unto me, that I may open my mouth boldly, to make known the mystery of the gospel,...."         

Little Kids: Ages 4-7

Understand It:  Discover What "Utter" Means

Print "utter" on your white board.  Can you read our Uu word?  Let's say it together.  How many syllables or parts do you hear?  (two)  What sound does it begin with?  (a short "u")  What double letters does it have?  (two t's)  If you see two double letters you can divide it in half like this: "Write ut-ter."  To utter means you speak words, or send words out. Who in Deuteronomy spoke a lot of words?  Moses!  In fact, Moses declared or uttered three speeches.

Journal It:  Write the Rhyme 

Have the child write the "U Is for Utter It" in their journal.  Circle the rhyming words.  Point out that declare, air, and express are synonmous with "utter."  Have kids draw a person with an over-sized mouth praising the Lord.  Make a speech bubble with letters "PTL" inside for "Praise the Lord!"  1st./2nd  should  write Psalm 106:2 below into their journals as well.
Learn It:  "Who Can Utter?"

Psalm 106:2  "Who can utter (speak) the mighty acts of the LORD?  Who can shew forth all his praise?"  

Our verse for "Uu" is found in Psalm 106:2.  Psalms is the Old Testament.  If I open my Bible in the middle like this (demo it) I will find the book of Psalms.  If you need to you can check out "The Table of Contents" in your Bible.  Psalms is the longest book in our Bible!  It has 150 chapters. Write Psalm 106:2 on the board.  Help each child find the verse, and highlight the word "utter."  

Now, let's speak out or utter our verse!  Make a "U" by sticking up your two index fingers like this and then joining your two thumbs.  Put that big "U" round your mouth, and speak it out loudly, softly, and happily.  Our verse asks us who can speak out about the great things God does.  Do you know who?  You!   Let's make our big U, speak our verse in a big voice through the U, and then raise our hands with praise. 

Note:  Do not miss the many Psalms that describe God's wondrous works as the Israelites exited from Egypt, crossed the Red Sea, and took their wilderness jounry.  What mighty acts the Lord did for them.  What wondrous things He does for us as well.  How we should praise Him! 

Say It:  The  "Who Can Utter?" Action Rhyme

Who can utter, who can declare Bible words everywhere?  I can!
Who can utter, who can share Bible words everywhere?  You can!
Who can utter, who can air Bible words everywhere?  We can!
Who can utter, who can speak Bible words each day of the week?  Us!
Utter It:  The U Tube!

Prep It:  toilet tube, foam sheet or heavy paper, U image, scissors, glue, tape .....
Make It:  Roll tube in paper; tape it.  Cut apx. 2 1/2" "U" from foam or heavy paper.  Attach to top of tube to make an easy "U Tube" to speak through.
Use It:  Hold your "U Tube" in front of mouth, and utter a verse, or rhyme through the top!   Look at the "U Tube" at the end of the lesson!  

Speak It:  The Lips Tube

Prep It: toilet tube, red tissue or typing paper, scissors,  tape 'n red marker ....
Make It:  Press one end of tube to look like lips (indentation on top of end of tube), go round "lips" with red marker,  Cover tube with red tissue or typing paper--thin paper works best.  Tape in place.  Hint:  Leave just a brown tube edging round your lips.  Do see "Tube Lips" sample below.    
Move It:  Move your "lips" to declare Bible words pressing in top indentation with your index finger to make your lips "speak!"     

Make ItA Super-Sized U 

Prep It:  small outline U image, scissors, glue, marker,  printed verse words, foam pieces.
Make It:  Print nine Us; cut out.  Overlap Us into a super U; four on both sides, and one in middle on the bottom.  Print words for verse/ synonyms for utter or use a marker to write them.  Cut apart words; and glue one word per U. Or print words, cut them out, and glue them to a small piece of foam as I did.  Check the bottom for a sample photograph!  Note:  This "U" has little pocket areas you can stick  words in.   

Hear It: Moses Utters "Be Strong!"

Moses spoke to all the people.  I am old.  I am one hundred and twenty.  I can't go out places.  I can't come in places.  I can't go over the Jordan River.  I can't go into the Promised land.  But, the Lord will go before you.  He will help you defeat your enemies.  He will you give you the Promised Land.  

And Joshua will be your new leader.  Then Moses uttered these words to all the people:  "Be strong and of a good courage; fear not, do not be afraid of them (your enemies) for the LORD your God will go with you...."

Then Moses called to Joshua too.  Moses uttered these words just to Joshua:  "Be strong and of a good courage: : for you must go with the people into the land. ...the LORD... will be with you,... fear not, neither be dismayed."

God tells you and I this too:  "Be strong, be of a good courage... I will be with you!"  Do not be afraid!"
Deuteronomy 31:1-8

Sing It:  "Be Strong and Of a Good Courage"  
(Tune: "The Bear Went Over the Mountain")

Be strong, and of a good courage, 
be strong, and of a good courage, 
be strong and of a good courage, 
for I will be with you.   
for, I will be with you, 
for I will be with you.
Be strong and of a good courage,  
be strong and of a good courage, 
be strong and of a good courage, 
Yes, I will be with you! 
(Point to others, make fists, n' point up. 
Raise voice at end.)

Move It: The Moses Tube Mouth

Prep It:  toilet tube, scissors, white paper/toilet paper/tissue paper, pencil, tape ....
Make It:  Press tube in and cut out mouth. Cover tube with tissue paper, or other paper.  Cut out mouth part. Tape. Attach piece of paper for Moses' beard  under mouth. Fringe bottom; curl beard parts with pencil. Tape on.  I used foam sticky letters to spell "Moses."  May also add nose/moustache. 
Move It:  Kids hold tube in front of mouth; to say or sing: "Be Strong" words through it, or use for other "utter" verses.   See sample below! 

Discuss It:  You Can "Say Something!"

Peter Reynold's book Say Something!  fits with this lesson. Note while some pages offer good advice,  others do not.  Which is which?  Preview it; then after share a few pages appropriate to your youngsters talking it over with them teaching them the skill of discernment now!!!  

For example, show younger children the little girl looking up to heavens and thanking the stars and the Universe.  You might say:  "Do you see that little girl looking up at the sky?  She is quietly talking to the stars.  She is thanking the stars and the Universe because she is alive.  Is that who we thank?  No, it's God we thank because He made us, our world, and the stars too."   Remember how we can open our mouth to utter or speak and give God our praises!  Our Bible says we are fearfully and wonderfully made by God--he created us!  And Ps. 145 says we can utter or praise God for his wonderful works--all the things he's made.  Yes, we can say something--we can say something to God!    
View this read-aloud book here:   

Say It:  Think About It!  

When in your Bible 
a scripture you find:
(Palms up to 
make 'Bible.')
Use your eyes, read it!
(Look down as if reading it.)
Use your lips, speak it!
(Point to lips.)
Then use your mind--
think about it! 
(Pat head. Raise voice!)

Older Kids: Ages 8-12

Understand It:  Is "Utter" in Deuteronomy?

While the word "utter" is not in Deuteronomy, synonyms for it are!  Can you name some?  However, there is a word in Deuteronomy that is not a verb, but an adverb that has utter in it.  Do you know what that is?  It is "utterly" a word we met when we did the lesson on Caleb!  It means totally, or competely, or wholly!  Can you find one or two Deuteronomy "utterly" verses?   Record them in your journal.

Journal It:  Told to Be Bold!

In Ephesians 6:19 Paul prays that utterances might be given him that he would "open his mouth boldly" to speak and make known the gospel.  Copy Ephesians 6:19 in your journal.  Draw someone boldly declaring the word of God.  Make a mouth in a "U" shape.  Look up Acts 4:29 and Ephesians 6:20.    

Hear It:  Moses Utters a Charge

Moses was getting very old.  Soon it would be time for Joshua to take over.  So God said, "Moses, give Joshua a charge, or instruction.  Meet at the Meeting Tent.  So Moses and Joshua met God there; God came in a cloud.  There Moses laid his hand on Joshua's head.  There God made Joshua become the new leader to take the people into the Promised Land.  And there Moses uttered some words we read in Deuteronomy.  These words were to encourage Joshua.  Moses said, ""Be strong and of a good courage: for thou shalt bring the children of Israel into the land which I sware unto them: and I will be with thee."  Deuteronomy 31:14-15, 23

Learn It:  The Eagerly Utter Verse

In Psalm 145:4-7 there's some verses about uttering or declaring words that tell of God's great goodness.  Open your Bible to Psalm 145 to read them.  Read aloud this part: "I will speak of the glorious honour of thy majesty, and of thy wondrous works. And men shall speak of the might of thy terrible acts: and I will declare thy greatnes. They shall abundantly* utter the memory of thy great goodness, and shall sing of thy righteousness."  Oh, that we too would be an eager utterer of God's goodness and greatness!
* Means: "eagerly" or "bubbling forth!"

Make-It:  Paper Plate Utterer

Prep It: paper plate. scissors, paper, printed verse/ words, tape, glue....
Make It:  Cut hair strip; at edges tape across top of plate.  Cut baseball cap or other hat from colored paper; fit to top of plate so hair shows just a bit.  Cut U for mouth and pieces for utterings.  Cut out eyes/nose pieces. May place Urwin Utterer on a covered towel tube to make a puppet, or feature him on a page. Ursula Utterer, you may notice has a snow hat, and a wide open mouth into which words can be placed.  See samples below.  

Draw It:  Some Eager Utterers 

Have kids draw some eager utterers with various mouths" in U shape, smile shape, and so on.  Incorporate as many "u" parts as ears, eyebrows, cheeks, barrettes, clothing, etc.  

Search Ps. 145 for all the words that describe what an eager utter does with their mouths: extol, bless, praise, declare, speak, utter, sing, and make known.  Inside a small lip outlines list them all!   What would they praise the Lord for? his mighty acts, wondrous works, terrible acts, greatness, great goodness, righteousness and so much more!

Find It:  An Awesome Psalm--Psalm 78

Psalm 78 is an awesome Psalm that talks about "uttering" things.  In it the Psalmist says, "I will open my mouth in a parable  (story); I will utter mysterious sayings of old."  Now, a parable, as my mom taught me, is an earthly story with a heavenly meeting.  Jesus, in Matthew 13:35, told stories in parables to his disciples.  

This Psalm tells how people hear stories from their parents and then pass them on to their children.  Now the most important story anyone can pass down to their children is the Calvary Story of Jesus' dying for us to forgive our sins and to make us a new person in Christ. 

The Israelites saw many wonderful things that God did for them, Verse 12 says, "Marvelous things did he (the Lord)."  Oh, I love that word "marvelous" --it is such fun to say! What amazing works the Lord did so they could tell the children that would be born later!  Will you utter those words?  Will you care enough to share the good news?  Will you air it?  Will you?

Listen to It:  An "Open Air" Meeting

Here's a true story about two young men and two young ladies.  The first young man had a parent that was Jewish and one that was not.  This man had never heard that Jesus was the Messiah, nor that he came to die for him to save him from his sins.  But, one day a friend told him the story of the cross and this young man found the Lord Jesus as his Savior.  Eager to share this good news the young man went up to the Atlantic City boardwalk to hold an "open air" meeting.  There he uttered the gospel to all who passed by.

Now, as he was speaking along came my father and mother to be and my mom's friend. My mom happened to be visiting my dad's family, and she and her friend had just told him he needed to know Jesus as his Savior.  Dad had never heard that so he thought mom and her friend were really different.  It was then they encountered the young man sharing his story.  They stopped to listen.  Dad, touched by his message, said to mom and her friend, "Well, I guess there are other people like you who believe such things."

Dad fell in love with mom wanting to know her much better, but mom said unless you really know Jesus as your Savior I'm not interested.  So mom went back to her home in Michigan and said she'd write to dad.  She did.  Mom told him the good news of Jesus over and over. After dad tried a church and whom did he meet there but that same open air guy!  Coincidence?  I think not!

Besides dad began reading the Bible, and soon dad knew he needed Jesus, confessed his sin, and trusted  him as his Savior.  How he eagerly shared this news with mom.  Although dad and mom had only met in person for a week the very next year they were happily married.  And for over fifty years they told many others the gospel--especially boys and girls.  What happened, you might ask, to the young open air preacher?  Well, he went on to become a well-known pastor, and The Pacific Garden Mission of Chicago recorded his testimony on a DVD of which I found a copy.  Amazingly, I also have all those old letters my parents wrote to each other.      

Teachers, Parents, Grandparents, YOU!

View It:  Peter Reynolds' Be You!  

Peter Reynolds, illustrator/author, is an exceptionally talented artist whose stories and books have great child/teacher appeal.  He also illustrates books for a Susan Verde series of "I AM" books filled with New Age declarations.  All of these books can be found either on You Tube Read Aloud sites, or on Amazon books "Look Inside" previews.    
In his book Be You! Reynolds illustrates and writes many "Be" declarations.  On one page the "Be" thought is "Be your own thinker ... set your own unique course...  you'll be heading in the right direction."  But, the Bible says,  "Trust in the Lord with all thine heart; and lean not to thine own understanding. In all thy ways acknowledge him, and he shall direct thy paths."  Prov.3:5,6  On another page there's a picture of a kid sitting in a lotus position with mudra fingers meditating.  The "Be" words say: "Take time to be on your own. Hear your own thoughts. Listen to your heart."  Notice too how this child in the picture is meditating, but it's not the Bible way. Why is that? (Meditator uses words or breath to still the mind.)  What is the Bible way?  (Thinking Bible words over and over to fill the mind.)  Everywhere you'll see similiar books and slogans celebrating  "youness."  Even greeting cards are filled with it!  So beware!  Listen to the book here: 

And always be sure to look into exactly who the author is no matter how captivating their book!  To do so is called "discerment!"

Learn About It: The Lectio Divina Deception

Recently I tuned into a Christian college virtual chapel time only to find out they were excitedly exposing their students to the ritual practice of "Lectio Divina" or so-called "sacred or divine reading."  This practice involves uttering or declaring a scripture passage over and over until you narrow it down to one word or phrase that jumps out at you.  You then use this word or phrase to go into silence and still yourself to hear 'God's voice'.  

Learn here why this practice is problematic. Read these Light House Trails booklets: 
Lectio Divina:  What It Is. What It Is Not.  And Should Christians Practice It?  Also read:  
D IS for Deception: The Language of the "New" Christianity  by Kevin Reeves.    Find them here:  

Here's a source entitled "How to Pray Lectio Divina: The Catholic's Ultimate Guide." In it a priest lets its listeners in on where it all began.  Be aware that Lectio is but a stepping stone to full-blown mantra-like New Age meditation.  Therefore, stay away from it, instead meditating on the Word thinking about it over and over.    Find it here:  How to Pray Lectio Divina: The Catholic's Ultimate Guide (

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