Y Is for Yield It: ABC: Deuteronomy for Me: Raising a Caleb Kid in a Disrupted World
Here's a lesson chock full of learning for your youngsters and for you! As you dig into the yield of the produce of Israel, you'll discover new words and info that will make Scripture come alive. Discover too a scripture pointer called the yad! Look at a Jewish Farming Calendar and so much more! Always scroll to the end to view the photographs. Looking ahead, the Lord Willing, we'll wrap up the entire series with "Z Is for Zero in on It!" That will be followed by a glossary and more. Please share these free lessons with your families for truly you'll be blessed as you dig deeply into "these be the words" of Deuteronomy.
Little Kids: Ages 4-7
Y Is for Yield It!
Y is for yield it--
so fine,
figs on a tree,
grapes on a vine,
wheat in a field,
barley so tall,
honey so sweet,
olives quite small,
seven foods to eat--
Yes, God made
them all!
From Deut. 8
Write It: Yellow Pad Y Words
Fill an oversized Y cut from a yellow pad with these Yy words: ye, yad, yay, yea, you, year, yell, yoke, your, yield, young, yellow ....
1st./2nd. Use Y(s) to fill with words having to do with Bible "yield" topics as: altar, barley, basket, corn, crops, field, figs fruit, glean, grain, grapes, grow, harvest, honey, land, milk, offering, olives, pomegranates, produce, rain, reap, seed, seven species, sickle, sow, year, yeast, yield .... Find outline Y here: outline y image - Bing images
Understand It: Y Is for Yield It!
"Y is for yield it!"is about foods the Israelites grew in their fields and after shared with others--the Levite priests, the stranger, the fatherless, and the widow. It will be about special times of the year as when God's people picked the firstfruits or crops of their new land to take as an offering to Lord at the tabernacle or the temple. It will be about how they left unpicked, or dropped grains or fruits in their fields for the poor among them. It will be about thanking the Lord for his goodness and sharing and caring for those who need help.
Learn It: The Seven Species Verses
Deut. 8:7,8 "For the LORD thy God bringeth thee into a good land ... A land of wheat, and barley, and vines, and fig trees, and pomegranates; a land of oil olive,* and honey** ...."
* olive oil **from dates!
Note: Instead of saying "olive oil" it says "oil olive."
In Journal: 4s: Write "a good land." 5s: Write "a good land ... of wheat ... barley ... grapes ... figs...pomegranates... olives... and honey..." 1st.-2nd. Copy verse, and illustrate; mark it in your Bible! Discuss which foods are grains? fruits? grow on trees?
Look at It! The Seven Species Stamps
Here is a neat site for kids that gives a close up view of the Israel's 1958 Seven Species postage stamp series. View the other postage stamps listed, especially the Biblical ones or the holiday ones! Find them here: The Seven Species Stamps (jr.co.il)
Move It: A Giant Y
Make a "Y" by placing arms together at elbows in front of face with hands under chin. Then, gradually move open hands forward leaving your arms locked together to make a super-sized "Y". Yell this chant through your Y top e.g.--"Give a cheer for the time of year when your field yields "wheat." * End with: "Yay!" Point out that Y is for yield, year, yell, and yay too. Print the words on your white board. Name each of the seven foods in our verse!
Make It: The Move It Verse Tube
Prep It: towel tube, sheet paper; tape; one long pipecleaner; print the seven species stamp pics; corrugated cardboard; paper; scissors. glue ....
Make It: Roll tube in paper tuck in ends; tape; stretch pipecleaner across tube bending in ends; cut out seven species pics or stamp pics; and mount pics on sturdy paper/corrugated cardboard;* and print Deut.8:7,8. Place stamp pics beneath the pipecleaner line.
*Corrugated cardboard backing helps stop cards from slipping. Glue verse strip on opposite side of tube from the produce pics. Find pictures/article here: Seven Species - Wikipedia
Move It: Repeat verse putting up the correct picture as you say the verse.
Play It: Practice to see who can get the seven species in order; then race to see who can put them up the fastest. Find photo below!
Say It: Recite Rhyme "Y Is for Yield It!"
Write rhyme/Deut. 8:7,8 on white board; have a set of pictures on board as well. Let a child use a "yad" (pronounced yod) pointer to touch the correct pictures as food is named, or to point to rhyme or verse words. 1st./2nd. Copy rhyme in journal. Illustrate it! See below to learn more about "yads!"
Hear It: "The Good Land" from Deuteronomy 8
God was bringing his people into a good land to live in it. In the good land they were to remember their long wilderness journey and all God had done for them. In the good land they were to obey God's commandments and fear and revere him.
In the good land would be plenty of water--brooks, fountains, and springs. In the good land there would be these special crops: wheat, barley, grapes, figs, pomegranates, olives, and honey. In the good land would be lots of of bread to eat. And in the good land there would be iron and copper.
Yes, in the good land when they had all these wonderful things they were never ever to forget the God who gave it to them!
Talk About It! Do we live in a good land? Do we have many things God has given us? Have we forgotten God in our good land? How?
View It: A Read-Aloud Video: Eating the Alphabet: Fruits and Vegetables from A to Z by Lois Ehlert
Hear it here: Book 7. Eating The Alphabet Fruits and Vegetables From A to Z | Children's Stories | Read Aloud - Bing video
Discuss: Help your child find four of the fruits mentioned in the verse: dates,* figs, grapes, pomegranates. Which Bible fruit is on the cover? (pomegranate) Which fruit is missing? (olives) Which did the honey come from? (dates)
Hear It: "A Tisket A Tasket: A Firstfruits Basket" from Deuteronomy 26:1-11
Once the Israelites got to their new land, they grew crops. As soon as the crops grew they were to take a basket--fill it with the firstfruits, and take it to the tabernacle to give it to the Levite priest. He would set it near the altar. Then the person who brought it would tell how the Lord had taken them out of Egypt with a mighty hand ... and signs and wonders into a land that flowed with milk and honey. "And now," the person would say, "I have brought the firstfruits ot the land, which thou, O LORD hast given me." After, they would worship and rejoice in every good thing the Lord had given them. We too can worship, rejoice, and thank the Lord for all he has done for us and given us.
Note: The Firstfruits offering took place one day after the Feast of Unleavened Bread at the beginning of the barley harvest. There was also a firstfruit offering connected to the wheat harvest seven full weeks later during the Feast of Weeks. For lots more information check out "Feasts and Festivals of Israel" Feasts and Festivals of Israel - Meaning & Definition - Baker's Bible Dictionary (biblestudytools.com)
Sing It: "Rejoice In the Lord Always!"
Today let's sing "Rejoice In the Lord Always!" and worship and praise the Lord. Hear it here: Rejoice In The Lord Always - Bible Songs For Children with Lyrics - Bing video
Make It: A Firstfruits Basket
Prep It: paper lunch bag,* scissors, paper, glue, tape, stapler, pics of seven fruits, ....
Make It: Cut off top of bag; leaving bottom section. Cut colorful paper handles measuring about 2 and 1/4"X 11". Print seven species page picture ; cut handle strip about 2"X6" from it. Place picture print over plain handle, glue. Staple onto basket. Look at photo below. Make "Firstfruits Basket" strip; glue on front. Print small fruitfruits squares, and cut eight 2" circles. Onto circles glue species pics. Put into basket. Also print and cut apart Deut. 26:10 strips to make verse.
*Hint: No bags; fold a paper plate in half, staple sides, and add handle and so on.
Play It: Put circles/ verse strips into bag. 4s-2nd: Put just circles in bag; on signal take out and make a seven with circles; putting them in order, from wheat-honey, having three on top, and four on the diagonal to make a seven. View photo! 1st.-2nd. Put verse strips in order too. These circles with their square pics are also easy to slip over a page as a book mark!
Hear It: Open Wide Your Hand!
Deuteronomy 15 told God's people if there was any poor man nearby they should not shut their hand from their poor brother, but they should open wide their hand to him. Yes, they should help them giving them what they needed. If they helped this poor man the Lord would bless everything they did.
For the Lord said the poor would always be in their land. "Therefore," said the Lord, "I command you to help your brother, your poor, and your needy in the land."
Talk About It: What does it mean to be poor? How can you help the poor? What have you done to help someone who does not have a lot? Is someone needy necessarily poor? Not always, perhaps it is someone who is sick, or very old and needs some help. Perhaps it's your grampa or gramma, or some- one elderly in your neighborhood. Who is it that we should tell everyone we help about? Yes, Jesus for he can forgive sins, and give us everlasting life.
Learn It: Deuteronomy 15:11
" ... Thou shalt open thine hand wide unto thy brother, to thy poor, and to thy needy, in the land."
Motions: Wag finger; hands open palms up; tap left hand with index finger three times for thy brother, thy poor, thy needy; end with stretching hands palms to each side.
Sing It: O Open Thine Hand Wide
Tune: "The Farmer in the Dell"
O open thine hand wide,
O open thine hand wide,
Hi, ho God's Word says so,
O open thine hand wide!
O extend thine hand wide...
Help the poor in the land,
Help the poor in the land,
That's what the Lord commands,
Help the poor in the land!
Move It: An Open Wide Accordion Hand Verse
Prep It: paper, scissors, print small hands, tape, print Deut. 15:11 verse, glue, yellow highlighter ...
Make It: Cut out two hands. Cut strip 10"X 1 1/2" wide. Accordion fold into ten one inch wide sections. Tape onto hands. Cut apart verse. Glue two words to each section.* Highlight yellow: "thy brother, thy poor, and thy needy." *Help younger kids with this. This verse project is also great for older kids as well. printable hand images - Bing images
Move It: Pinch shut. Open wide. Holding on to each little hand move accordion folds in and out as you sing or say verse. See photo below!
Pop It Out: "Help the Needy" Color Page
Here's a colorful Jewish ABC's: A Rhyming Coloring Book by David Sokoloff which has a picture to color exhorting kids to give money for the needy. It reads: "N is for the needy; tzedakah for the poor." Be sure to pop out some parts with small scissors, and glue a copy of Deut. 5:11 to the bottom of the page. Move the lips, and other parts as you say the verse! See picture of book in photo section. Find image of book here: jewish abc's a rhyming coloring book by david sokoloff - Bing images
Make It: "Open Wide Your Hand" Band
Prep It: head band paper strip 2 1/4" wide, stapler, small hand cutouts, brads, firstfruits pictures, scissors, glue, Bible verse words, ....
Make It: Cut long strip; staple to fit child's head. Print small hands; cut out. Print/draw firstfruits pics; cut out. Print verse; cut apart. Attach "hands" with brads on either side of band strip. Glue firstfruits pics inbetween. View photo below.
Wear It: Parade around or stand tall as you sing song, or say verse.
Create It: A "Y Guy" or A "Y Gal"
Prep It: toilet tube, paper, outline Y, tape, scissors, markers, glue ...
Make It: Roll toilet tube in sheet of black paper; tape and tuck. Print upper case outline Y apx. 4 1/4" tall to fit on tube front. Cut out of orange paper. Cut white rectangle 4"X2" to put behind Y. Cut two hands/round face with neck from skin colored paper. Cut small hat with hair piece behind it; make longer hair for Y Gal. View the Y Guy/Gal in the photos below. Make a belt too. Put together so top of Y "arms" move and hands move too. Make face. Tape to covered tube.
Play with It: This versatile puppet can be used in many ways. It's arms are easy to move, and hands can clap. Picture of e.g. wheat can be inserted. A little firstfruits basket can be put on its hand. Seven species circles may be inserted as well. Make it yell praises. Make it say, "Yay!". Make it sing: "Rejoice in the Lord Always." Make it say/sing "Yad" rhymes/song.
Discover It: A Yad: A Scripture Pointer
What's a Yad?
A yad*
is a rod
to read
about God.
* Yad is pronounced "yod" like God. Hear it here: Yad - definition of yad by The Free Dictionary
Which three words rhyme? What do they end with? What does "used" and "read" end with? What does "end" end with?
A yad is a an ornamental rod, often silver, Jewish people use to point to Torah words. View some here: "Images of the Yad and Torah for Kids": images of the yad and torah for kids - Bing images
Mrs. Yox's Pointer Box
Mrs.Yox was a kindergarten teacher I knew. In her room she kept a big box of unusual pointers for kids to use when reading charts or words on the board. But, there was one pointer Mrs. Yox never had, and that was a yad!
Design It: A Yad Pointer!
Here's a tube yad to help read our yield verses. Yads, or Torah pointers, were used specifically because the ink used on the parchment paper of the Torah easily smeared if pointed at with a finger. So a fancy pointer rod with an extended index finger was used to point to Scripture. By the way, what is the beginning n' ending sound of "yield?"
Prep It: toilet tube, silver or gray paper, paper, silver glitter, print of yad, scissors, tape, glue, copy of a yield it verse, .... images of the coloring page yad - Bing images
Make It: Roll tube in half sheet of silver/gray paper. Print yad found here; cut out. Fill in parts with silver paper/ silver glitter, and hands with skin color paper. Put tiny silver glitter spot on end of index finger. Print yield it verse; stick on tube or inside tube.
Move It: Take it out rolled verse, open, and point to words as you read it. Look below to see sample!
Sing It: "My Yad It Is a Pointer"
Tune: "My Hat It Has Three Corners"
My yad it is a pointer,
A pointer is my yad,
And when I use my pointer
I'll read the Word of God!*
Talk about it: What letter does yad begin with/ end with? What other words in song end with "d?" Hear song sung here: Children's Song: My Hat It Has Three Corners - Action Song for Young Kids - Bing video
Move It: Arm n' Hand Yad
Pretend your arm/hand is a "yad" and extend your index finger out. Read a Bible verse.
View It: "The Yad Song" Video
View this video here: "The Yad Song" 2/21/2019 by Eliana Light: The Yad Song! - Bing video
Make It: A Scripture Pointer
Prep It: toilet tube, paper, tape, p.22 from my book Celebrate the Bible (Look at photo!), scissors, glitter, glue...
Make It: cover tube with paper; tuck and tape. Make top of right hand with index finger extended.
Put "hand" onto tube hiding tape inside. Glue tiny fingernail (may glitter it) to finger.
Move It: Use to read specific "yield" verses.
Color It: A Yad Coloring Page
Use markers and crayons to color picture. Wrap tube in half sheet of 9"X12" paper; tape and tuck. Cut out picture. Bend a bit. Tape to tube so it stands up. Inside place yad rhymes, and copy of a verse. Find picture here: little boy with torah yad coloring book images - Bing images Scroll to end to see picture tube.
Older Kids: Ages 8-12
Teach It: The Seven Species
Use any of the seven species ideas above first to introduce them to your children; then explore "The Pomegranate" as given below.
Question It: The Seven Species Details
Discuss seven species; ask these questions! Do you know which of the seven species grows in clusters? in a vineyard? which were grains? which were fruits? which grain was most important? least important? which gave honey? which was listed first? last? which had the most seeds? which could be a sheaf? which could be bundled? which yields oil? which three were taken by the twelve spies?
Mark It: Make a Pomegranate Marker
Go to stamp site to print a pomegranate marker; glue to heavy paper, and cut out. Place in your Bible next to the seven species verse.
Journal It: Explore More! The Pomegranate!
The Pomegranate is a Bible fruit mentioned eight times as "pomegranate," and eighteen times as "pomegranates" in the Old Testament. Besides, it's one of the "seven species" named in Deuteronomy 8. Rabbinic tradition taught that every pomegranate had a certain number of seeds matching the total number of Torah laws. To find out about its seed count, and so much more read Jewish Law's fascinating article:"What's the Truth About ... Pomegranate Seeds?" Find the article here: What’s the Truth about … Pomegranate Seeds? - Jewish Action
* Outside It: Purchase a pomegranate. Describe it.
* View It: View a video about it. videos about pomegranates - Bing
* Color It: Find image picture; color it. coloring pages of pomegranates - Bing images
* Draw It: Watch a video on it! You draw it! Find kids' videos here: how to draw a pomegranate video for kids - Bing video
* Check It Out: Read Numbers 13:23 that names the three fruits Caleb and Joshua and the other ten spies brought back for the people to see. What three fruits did they bring? Draw them!
* Inside It: Watch a video on steps to open it. Do that! Taste it!
* Compare It: Compare it to a pumpkin; make a chart. How are they alike? different?
* Count It: Pomegranates have tons of seeds anywhere from 165 to 1370. Now long ago Jewish people observed this, and said there were 613 seeds in a pomegranate to match the number of laws in the Torah. Do you think this is true? Why? Why not? See the Jewish Law article!
* Label It: Label the parts of the pomegrante using these images. parts of a pomegranate for labeling - Bing images
* Remember It: What one special thing did you learn about pomegranates? Journal it!
I Remember It: Jack's Pomegranates
I went to an elementary school in a Jewish neighborhood. Across the street was Jack's mom and pop grocery store. At lunch we were allowed to go over to buy pomegranates from its produce stand. It was at this same school we'd happily sing, "Hannukah, O Hannukah" in December.
Read It: "At Harvest Time"
At harvest time
when you're aware
stalks of wheat*
you've left there;
leave them for
the stranger,
the fatherless,
and the widow--
to glean from.
From Deut. 24
* Repeat twice more;
substitute "juicy grapes"
or "extra olives" for
"stalks of wheat."
Hear It: A Harvest Time Command
Deuteronomy 24:19-22 told God's people exactly what to do when they harvested or gathered their crops. It told them when they cut down their grain harvest that if they dropped a sheaf or two in their field they were not to go back and pick it up. Instead these sheaves would be for the stranger, the fatherless, or the widow so that the LORD would bless them in all the work of their hands.
When they beat or hit their olive trees with sticks to knock down the fruit they shouldn't go back over the tree limbs to see if any other olives were left. Instead these olives would be for the stranger, the fatherless, or the widow so that the LORD would bless them in all the work of their hands.
When they gathered their grapes in their vineyard, they should not glean it or clean it up to remove any grapes that were left. Instead these grapes would be for the stranger, the fatherless, or the widow so that the LORD would bless them in all the work of their hands.
And one last thing, said the LORD, you must remember that you were a bondman or a slave in the land of Egypt that's why I have given you these laws.
Define It: Story Vocab Match
Match the definition to the words below.
1. the gathering of a crop (a)
2. an alien (c)
3. area planted with grapevines (h)
4. women whose husband died (e)
5. hit with a stick (g)
6. gather after reaper (i)
7. a bundle of grain (b)
8. without a father (d)
9. a slave (j)
10. be happy, praise (f)
Word list: a. harvest, b. sheaf, c. stranger, d. fatherless, e. widow, f. bless, g. beat, h. vineyard, i. glean, j. bondman
Talk About It: The Corners of the Field Verses!
Back up two books from Deuteronomy and read aloud Leviticus chaper 19:9-10. In verse nine when it's harvest time what does it say not to do? (reap the corners, pick up the gleanings) What does "reap" mean? What are "gleanings?" Read verse ten. What should they not do there? (not glean the vineyard, nor gather every grape) Who were they to leave it for? (the poor and the stranger) Who was it that commanded this? Remember while the Lord expects us to help the poor, he also gave us a mission that should always be first that is the Great Commission in Mark 16:15: "Go ye into all the world, and preach the gospel to every creature."
Listen to It: Two Ruths! Two Gleaners!
I met the sweetest lady and her name was "Ruth." Now every winter when the Florida citrus was ripe Ruth would pick oranges from citrus fields near to her and bring a sack or two into church for those who might enjoy them. Ruth had such a loving heart always caring for others!
In the Bible there's a book about a "Ruth" who gleaned barley to help feed herself and her mother-in-law Naomi. In fact, at Shavuot or the Feast of the First Fruits, Jewish people often read the book of Ruth. Have you read it? It is just four chapters. Read it!
How special, that a whole book was recorded about this Moabite lady Ruth, a stranger in the land, and how she became part of the line of the Messiah. Turn to Matthew 1:5 to see Ruth's name in the geneology of birth of Jesus Christ!
View Ruth's story here: God's Story: Ruth - Bing video
Yield It, Yield Not It! Where Is This in Deuteronomy?
In Deuteronomy 11:10-17 the Lord tells them how all through the year if the people would obey and love him with all their heart and soul the Lord would send rains --the autumn or first rains and the spring or latter rains--causing their land to yield its produce as its corn, wine, and oil. But, if the people chose to turn away and worship other gods the Lord would shut up the heavens, and their land wouldn't yield its produce.
Learn It: Year to Year Verse
Deuteronomy 11:10, 12 "For the land, whither thou goest in to possess it, (is) ... A land which the LORD thy God careth for: the eyes of the LORD thy God are always upon it from the beginning of the year even unto the end of the year."
A Deuteronomy Detail! Note the times the word "year(s)" appears in the book of Deuteronomy. Read aloud Deut.11: 10-17. Discuss ... when the Lord would bless his land and when he would not! when it would yield crops, and when it would not!
Use It: "Feasts and the Farming Year" Calendar
Find the "Feasts and the Farming Year" circle showing our calendar, the Jewish calendar and the timing of planting and harvesting various crops. Print one, color it, and cut it out. Glue to a paper plate. View photograph below. Find "Feasts and the Farming Year" circle calendar here! feasts and farming calendar images - Bing images Can you locate "Feast of First Fruits?" See the Barley Harvest Time? Find the "Feast of Weeks?" See the "Wheat Harvet Time."
Sing It: "He's Got the Whole Land"
Tune: "He's Got the Whole World"
He's got the whole land .... (4Xs)
He's got the yield of the field (3Xs)
He's got the whole land in his hands.
He's got the winds and the rains (3Xs)
He's got the whole land in his hands.
He's got the fruits and the grains (3Xs)
He's got the whole land in his hands.
Hear It: The Feast of Weeks or Shavuot
In Deuteronomy 16: 9-12 several verses describe "The Feast of Weeks" often called "Shavuot." After the Passover Feast or celebration God's people were told to count or number seven weeks and one day to reach the Feast of Weeks celebration. This fifty day countdown was called "Counting the Omer."* See the numerous 50 day counting chart images here: Counting the omer chart images for kids - Bing
*An omer was a measurement of dry capacity used by the Hebrews said to be 1/10 of an ephah.
Mark It: Deuteronomy 16:9-12 Feast of Weeks Handout
Prep It: Copy the four verses and the questions onto two sheets of paper. Use yellow green, orange, purple, light green, and brown crayons. See sample below.
Use It: Read the entire section aloud with your kids. Ask what they notice about the colored sections. They will notice that "Feast of Weeks" is yellow, action words/verbs are green, that "shalt thou, thou shalt" are orange, that "the LORD thy God" is brown, that those in the family plus the Levite are purple, and that outsiders are light green. Then let kids fill in answers. Discuss!
Answer these questions: How many verbs are there? (nine) "shalt thou/thou shalt"? (six) "the Lord thy God" (five) people marked in purple? (six) people in light green? (three) What does "thou shalt" remind you of? (Ten Commandments or commands) What phrase is repeated all through Deuteronomy? (the Lord thy God) Who is not named in the purple list? (wife, mother) Who are the three outsiders? What kind of offering were they to bring? (freewill) How much were they to bring? What verb tells what all the people were to do? (rejoice) Where was the place the Lord chose to put his name there? (the tabernacle or temple) What were they to remember? View first page in photo section.
Color It: Color Book Page Showing a Yad
Here's two pages (pp.44-45) in Chaya Burstein's Jewish Holidays and Traditions Coloring Book showing objects that Jewish people use including the yad. There pages are excellent for talking about things Jewish people use in their synagogues, and homes. Page 44 shows the yad and an explanation. Is the yad named in the Bible? Jewish Holidays and Traditions Coloring Book (Dover Holiday Coloring Book): Burstein, Chaya: 9780486263229: Amazon.com: Books
Older kids might color these pages, pop out yad, and one other picture to give a brief reports on them. They might also pop out items as shown in photo to share with younger children. By the way, what other things beside the yad are not named in the Bible? are named?
Teachers, Parents, Grandparents, YOU!
Y Is for Youness
I was looking at some kids' books when Horray for You! A Celebration of You-Ness by Marianne Richmond caught my eye. "You-ness" the word stuck with me. Why? Because there's a big focus today in kids' lit about the self, self, self emphasizing we are the master of our own destiny! Find book here: Hooray for You!: A Celebration of "You-Ness" (Marianne Richmond): Richmond, Marianne: 0765448910303: Amazon.com: Books
So what did "You-ness" mean? My online dictionary told me "It was the state or quality of being yourself." Next, I vowed to find out more about this creative artist author from Franklin, Tn. by viewing her colorful book contents, listening to a podcast about her life, and looking over her author's pages.
It was on her author's site that I noticed why "the term youness" stood out, and signaled I needed to search further into her background. For on the site I saw she had invited her readers and followers to a retreat she was co-hosting at Penuel Ridge Retreat Center, Ashland City, Tn. Penuel was named, the site explained, after the place Jacob encountered God. However, this Penuel wasn't a place to find the Lord, but to find a medium and connect with the divine nature said to be within. It was a place to do contemplative meditation, walk a labyrinth, practice yoga, do 'spiritual artwork,' and much more! It claimed that through its intimate fellowship and its meditative experiences one would reclaim peace and renew joy. Instead, John 14:27 tells us about the one who said, "...my peace I give unto you: not as the world giveth, give I unto you. Let not your heart be troubled, neither, let it be afraid."
Later, once more looking into Penuel's pages, the words "contemplative art" stood out. What exactly was this and what did SoulCollage, JourneyCircles, and MoonCircles involve? A quick look at this "spiritual art" made me know it was far from "spiritual" but rather involved pagan wiccan practices.
Books centered around "youness" filled with positivity leave out a very important truth-- that is that we are fearfully, and wonderfully made by our Creator, but that we're all sinners in need of a Savior. As
Romans 3:23 tells us "For all have sinned and come short of the glory of God; ..." It is only through Jesus' death on the cross can that we know Him, and have his forgiveness, salvation, direction, peace, and hope. Understand these books and the things they teach look so attractive, so enticing, and so clever, but instead they teach ideas that are often the very opposite of what the Bible teaches. Therefore, be warned always do your homework on exactly what is on or between those captivating covers--do not be fooled!
Help your child to understand the truth written in Psalm 34:8 which reads, "Taste and see that the Lord is good, blessed is the man that trusteth in him." We are to learn that it is not in our goodness, or youness, but it is in him we put our trust and not in ourselves.
Teachers, parents, grandparents, and you and I must determine to dig into our Bibles, and other reputable sources to find out what certain practices-retreat centers-positive affirmation books are really all about. Plant the Word of God continually into your children to help them early find the Saviour who alone empowers us to yield much fruit. Prepare them now!
Click on each photograph to enlarge it!