Z Is for Zero in on It! ABC: Deuteronomy for Me! Raising a Caleb Kid in a Disrupted World
Here's our final "ABC: Deuteronomy for Me" lesson jam packed with dig-into-it activities for all ages. Do scroll all the way to the end to view the photographs and to click below each section to go to the images and articles described. In the coming weeks look for glossaries with overall lists of Deuteronomy for kids' details. Don't miss them; do share with other churches/homeschoolers.
Z Is for Zero in on It!
Z is for zero
in on it
"hero passages"*
you'll see
to focus in on
in Deuteronomy!
* love, heart, take heed e.g. passages,
parts, or verses.
Little Kids: Ages 4-7
Zero in on It: The Letter Z
On a white board, write Zz, zee, zed, and "Z Is for Zero In on It" rhyme. Explain that Zz is our final lesson letter we'll learn about in our Deuteronomy series. It is lesson 26! Some call it zee, and some call it zed. Which do we call it? We say, "x,y,z". By the way what letter does zero start with? What does it end with?
Zero in on It: Journal It
In your journal practice printing some Zzs. All print "Zee, Zed" and "Zero In on It!" 1st./2nd. Print rhyme.
Zero In on It: A Special Action Word
"Zero in on it" is a special verb or phrasal verb* that has other words added to it to make it a phrase.
To say "zero in on it" means we focus or look closely into something. Right now we're looking into Zz. Another way of saying "zero in on it" is "zoom in on it." Some topics that we'll carefully look into will be Deutonomy heroes like Caleb and Joshua, verses about love, parts about our hearts, and warnings about turning aside.
*Pharsal Verb: Find its pronunciation and definition here: Zero In On | Definition of Zero In On by Merriam-Webster
Zero in on It: Which Is Which? A 0 or An O?
Write a 0 and an O on your white board, or put up two outline figures. Below "0" write "number" and below "O" write "letter." Have kids notice that a zero is oval, egg-like, skinny, thin while O is circular, rounder, and fatter. 0 is a number that means none, nada, and zilch while an O is a letter that has a short and long sound. Write 0/O in your journal. Print out descriptions of each one; cut them apart and glue under the correct figure. Instead, 1st/2nd may write the correct descriptions around each one.
Zero in on It: Hone in on Two Deuteronomy Heroes
Two Bible heroes named in Deuteronomy are "Caleb and Joshua." They were part of the twelve spy team Moses sent in to search out the Promised Land. Review the "S Is for Spy It Out" lesson here! Learn to Discern Granny: Search results for s is for search it out (whputnam00.blogspot.com)
Remember how Caleb and Joshua were the two spy guys who said God's people were able to enter the Promised land, while the other ten spy guys said it was too scary to enter. Both Caleb and Joshua fully followed the Lord, and we read about them in Deuteronomy and in other Bible books.
Zero in on It: Say It! Recall It! Numbers 14:24
Numbers 14:24: "... my servant Caleb ... hath followed me fully...." What does fully mean? Totally or completely. Caleb is a Bible hero we can zero in on--we can be Caleb kids who love and honor the Lord with all our hearts and souls. We can do what Caleb did!
Zero in on It: Zero Pop-out Hero Booklets
Prep It: 0 printable outline number, scissors, picture of Caleb, picture of Joshua, paper, stapler, glue, crayons ....
Find outline here: images of outline zero for preschool - Bing images
Make It: Print outline zero; cut a cover and pages to make two booklets--one for each hero! Print two pictures one for each man. You may also draw a small picture to fit across your zero opening, and cut each one out. See sample in the photographs at the end of the lesson!
Move It: Move Caleb/ Joshua picture up and down by gently squeezing in on your zero cover as you sing "Zero in on a Bible Hero." See photo below.
Write It: Onto booklet pages print characteristics or words that describe either Caleb; or Joshua. e.g. ..... says, "We are well able to overcome them." (Caleb) "Friend to Caleb." (Joshua) and so on. Find ten descriptions about each man.
Zero in on It; A Zero in on It Bible Markers
Hero Marker:
Prep It: paper; 0 and z images; little glitter punch dots; print "hero, Caleb, Joshua;" glue; tape; ....
Make it: Cut out two zero cutouts and one lower case z cutout. Find outline letter images here: Cut out small connection piece to attach 0s and z to. Stick tiny glitter dots onto zeroes.
Heart/Love Marker:
Prep It: paper; 0 and z images; little heart stickers; print word LOVE, glue, tape, ....
Make It: Cut out two zero cutouts and one lower case z cutout. Cut out small connection piece to attach 0s and z to. Stick tiny heart stickers onto zeroes.
Zero in on It: Sing It: "Zero In on a Bible Hero"
Tune: "She'll be Comin' Round the Mountain"
Zero in on a Bible hero, yes do it!
Zero in on a Bible hero, yes do it!
Zero in on a Bible hero,
Zero in on a Bible hero,
Zero in on a Bible hero, yes do it!
Yell "Caleb!"*
* Yell "Joshua!" Hear song here: She'll be Coming Round the Mountain More Nursery Rhymes & Kids Songs - CoComelon - Bing video
Zero in on It: A Deuteronomy "Z Puzzle"
All: On white board print a capital "Z" along with these Deut. Zz words: Zee, Zed, Zin, Zoar, Zereb, Zeboim, Zebulun, Zam-zum-mims, Perizzites, and Deuteronomy on it. Read them. Ask: What do 8 of the words begin with? (Zz) Which words have a "double z"? (Puzzle and Perizzites.) Which word is a Dd word? (Deuteronomy)
1st./2nd: Which stand for the letter Zz? (Zee and Zed) Which word is a desert? (c.32)* a city near Sodom? (c.34) A brook? (c.2) A city of the plains? (c.29) A tribe? (c.33) Giants? (c.2) one of the seven pagan nations? (c.7) name of the Torah? *C is for chapter in Deuteronomy.
Prep It: outline Zs, puzzle words, scissors, glue, ruler, pencil, envelope ....
Make It: Cut out one Z; leave other one on page. Cut out words starting with "Zee Puzzle." Let kids glue words onto Z as shown in photograph example. Adult use ruler to make lines as shown below. Cut puzzle apart. Put in envelope. See photograph below.
Play It: Place outline Z page/envelope in front of child. Count: "1,2,3 go!" Let kids open envelope, and put puzzle pieces onto empty Z outline. See who finishes first. Play again a few times.
Zero in on It: "God Stopped the Stones! A Glory Story"
This story is about the ten spies and their families who complained about how they couldn't enter the Promised Land. They cried all night. They told Moses they wanted a new leader to take them back to Egypt. Then they gathered together in a big group in front of the Tabernacle tent murmuring against Moses and Aaron, and Caleb and Joshua.
What did Moses do? He and Aaron fell down with their faces to the ground. They prayed to God about this situation. What did Caleb and Joshua do? They stood before the people. They tore their clothes to show how sad they were at the people sinning. They stood up. They spoke to the people telling them that the new land was an exeeding good land-- a land of milk and honey. They told them to stay strong for God would be with them.
But, still the people wouldn't listen. They wanted to throw stones at them. They wanted to hurt them. Just as they were picking up some stones God stepped in to stop the stones! What did God do? Right by the tabernacle he sent down a glory cloud in front of the people and the stone throwers stopped! What a glory story--God is in charge. He can stop stones. He can hear our prayers.
What did Moses and Aaron do then? They stayed there praying. Moses begged God to forgive the people. And God did. But, because the people sinned, God said they'd never get to see the Promised Land. However, just Caleb and Joshua and their families would see the land. And they did! (From Numbers 13,14)
Zero in on It: Heart Parts to Know
In Deuteronomy there are "heart" verses. Here's an "O" one to know: Deut. 5:29 "O that there was such a heart in them that they would fear me, and keep all my commandments always, that that it might be well with them, and their children for ever!" 4s/5s Stop at always; 1st./2nd. say entire verse.
Print verse on white board zeroing in on its "O" start, heart part, fear/keep parts, "all" parts, and even its exclamation point ending. Add motions: make O with index fingers/thumbs, place hands over heart, emphasize "fear" and "keep," the "all parts," smile widely, and raise voice at end.
Ask: Where is this verse found? What word and letter does it start with? What did the Lord want his people always do? What did God promise would happen if the people honored and obeyed his commandments? What do you call the punctuation mark at the end of the sentence?
Zero in on It: Zero in on It Tube
Here's a simple tool to make to use to zero in on Zz letters, words, and verses.
Prep It: toilet tube, half sheet of paper, 0 outline number, scissors, tape, printed or sticker letters/words ....
Make It: Roll tube in half sheet of paper; tape, and tuck in ends. Print off zero outline number; place over heavier paper and cut out. Hint: Use small scissors cut out middle. Holding zero sidewise tape to tube end in magnifying-glass fashion. Glue on words/stick word "zero" to 0; and onto tube glue/stick "in, on." Hint: May tape "zero" upright on tube too.
Move It: Have fun using it to zero in on your verses, or words. Notice when the zero cutout is turned sideways it looks like a mouth so say verses through it, and sing through it too. Add a heart sticker to bottom of tube, e.g., and zero in on heart verses. See photo below!
Zero in on It: Z is for Zig-Zag
Zig-zag begins with a Zz so let's zero in on zig-zag. Write it on white board. What does a zig-zag look like? Make a line of them. What letter does it start with? Is a zig-zag line straight? What does it mean to zig-zag back and forth? Here's a zig-zag work sheet to use, and then cut apart: zig zag worksheet - Bing images
Zero in on It: I Remember It! Zig-zagging Home
When I was in elementary school all of us children walked home every day for lunch. Of course our parents told us to walk straight home and not play along the way. But, sometimes instead we zig-zagged off our path here and there. In winter we loved to stop and "skate" on some nearby icy patches with our shoes. So we just zig-zagged, played around there, and then walked on home. Now our parents weren't happy that we strayed off the path to play and not walk right home. And that is kind of like God's people the Lord directed them not to turn aside right or left from the things he told them to do.
Zero In on It: The Zig-Zag Bag
Prep It: paper craft bag, scissors, zig-zag worksheet, facial tissue box markers, verse print-outs, glue Make It: Cut off top part of lunch/party bag; open up for basket. Complete worksheet using two colors of markers, colored pencils, or crayons; cut into Bible marker strips. Glue worksheet strips to basket. Cut worksheet zig-zags into handles, and marker strips. Cut out printed verse and glue to bag front or handle or marker. View the bag photo below!
Zero in on It: A Not Turn or Go Aside Verse
In Deuteronomy there's some "turn not aside" warnings. In these warnings God said follow me, and don't go after other gods to bow to and worship them. Here is a verse you need to read, to zero in on, and to heed: Deuteronomy 28:14 "And thou shalt not go aside from any of the words which I command thee this day, ... to go after other gods to serve them." 1st/2nd: Mark verse in Bible. Say the
whole verse!
Zero in on It: Sing: " And Thou Shalt Not Go Aside!"
Tune: "Go in and Out the Window"
And thou shalt not go aside,*
And thou shalt not go aside,
And thou shalt not go aside,
from words which I command.
*turn aside
Inside Your Bible
Inside your Bible are:
Don't turn aside verses,
Hide in the heart verses,
Abide in the Lord verses
to zero in on.
Read this rhyme together, and say with motions. Print in journal. Say a "turn aside" verse, "hide" in your heart verse, and an "abide" verse. Notice the four rhyming words: inside, aside, hide, and abide.
Motions: hands together palms up for "Bible," turn to each side, hands over heart, and point upward.
Zero In on It: A Favorite Deuteronomy Love Verse
Deuteronomy is not just about laws and rules, but it's also about love. It's most famous love verse to zero in on is found in Deut. 6:5 It says, "...Thou shalt love the LORD thy God with all thine heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy might." Jesus, in the New Testament, quoted from Deuteronomy. Find it Matthew 22:37: "Jesus said unto them, Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy mind."* What color are Jesus' words in most Bibles? You got it--red. They are called "red letter words." This helps us find and zero in on just Jesus' words! * Also see: Mark 12:30 and Luke 10:27.
Zero In on It: LOVE/Heart Verse Tubes
Prep It: two toilet tubes, paper/tissue paper, scissors, tape, word "LOVE" outline or sticker letters, printed heart and love verses.
Make It: Cut toilet tubes in half making four small tubes. Roll each in tissue paper; tuck in ends; and tape closed. Tape four tubes together in caterpillar-fashion. Print outline LOVE letters; cut out; and put one letter on each tube. Print verses: one just having love in it; one having heart and love, one Deuteronomy 6:5; and one NT verse Jesus spoke. Put these and other scripture strips into tubes.
Use It: Have kids memorize them; and give them some sort of "heart" award when all four verse strips are memorized. * See sample tubes below; I just happened to find a "L💗VE" strip at the bottom of a calendar I had. Older kids may also make this! See photo sample below!
Zero In on It: Teensy Tiny Heart Bag Tag Viewer
Easy to make this teensy tiny viewer is fun to use to zero in on letters, words, or verses.
Prep It: plastic bread or bag twist tag, flexible straw, tape.
Make It: Twist of bag tag. Tape tag to flexible straw top. Note I found a top with a "heart" shape!
Move It: Peer through its tiny hole to zero in on a particular letter, word, Bible book, verse and so on. Use it as a Bible marker too. View below!!
Older Kids: Ages 8-12
Caleb Was Courageous, Caleb Was Strong!
Caleb was courageous, Caleb was strong,
Caleb was steady all his life long,
Caleb was an overcomer, an encourager too,
Caleb was faithful, Caleb was true,
Caleb was a winner who wholly obeyed
making him steadfast and unafraid.
Caleb was a conqueror, of whom Scripture records
Caleb fully and faithfully followed his Lord.
Yes, Caleb was given some land to possess,
defeating his enemies with great success!
Zero in on It: Read About Two Bible Heroes
Reread the story aloud of Caleb and Joshua and the other spies in Numbers 14,15, and Deuteronomy 1. Talk about how God stepped in to stop the stones and to settle the crowd with his Glory Cloud encounter! Then view the video below!
Zero In on It: Video About His Heroes Caleb n'Joshua
View: "God's Story: "Joshua Becomes Leader!'" Find it here: God’s Story: Joshua Becomes Leader - Bing video
* Little kids will enjoy this video as well!
Zero In on It: Caleb Wholly Followed the Lord!
In Joshua 14-15 we read the rest of Caleb's story. Chapter 14:6-15 tells how Caleb steadfastly had followed the Lord. In chapter fifteen we read how Caleb said "Joshua, back in Kadeshbarnea you were there when I was just forty years old when we both were part of the twelve spy team who scouted out the Promised Land. It was then I brought back good news as was in my heart to the people and Moses. But, ten of the spies made the heart of the people melt with fear, but I wholly followed the Lord."
"At that time Moses promised me and my children that the land that my feet had walked on would be my possession forever because I had wholly followed the Lord. And now, Joshua, the Lord has kept me alive forty-five more years, and I am eighty-five. But, I am as stong now as I was then. Now, give me this land God promised me--the Anakim's land."
Caleb continued, "And if the Lord will be with me, then I will be able to drive them out." (The Anakims!) So Joshua blessed Caleb, and gave him Hebron for a possession. Why was that? Joshua 14:14 tells us once more it was because Caleb wholly followed the LORD God of Israel!
Did Caleb defeat the Anakims? Yes, for he depended on the Lord to help him win the battle, and not on himself. So it is with those who faithfully follow the Lord letting Him lead and guide them. Zero in on Romans 8:31 which says: "...If God be for us, who can be against us?"
You see the world teaches us we can do things by ourselves without God. But Caleb learned it wasn't of his own accord he could be a winner, but it was the Lord who would make him able to have good success. Psalm 60:12 says, "Through God we shall do valiantly: for he it is that shall tread down our enemies."
Zero In on It! Caleb and Othniel
Joshua 15 introduces us to Othniel, who like Caleb, followed the Lord. After Caleb had defeated the three sons of Anak: Sheshai, Ahiman, and Talmai and taken his possession of Hebron Caleb asked if someone might help him drive the people out of Debir too. If they did, Caleb promised them they would be able to marry his daughter Achsah. It was then that Othniel, Caleb's nephew, volunteered to to drive out the Debirites. Soon Othniel was married to his Uncle's daughter Achsah.
A bit later Achsah asked her father Caleb for a special blessing. Said she, "You (father) have given me a south land. I would also like some springs of water, the upper and lower springs. And Caleb gave her them as well. And so ends the amazing story of Caleb. P.S. You'll meet Othniel again in Judges where he becomes a judge or deliverer for God's people. And like his Uncle Caleb God's spirit came upon Othniel in a special way! (Judges 3)
Zero in on It: The Take Heed and Beware Verses
There are several red flag "take heed" and "beware" verses found in Deuteronomy. Each time you spy these verses be sure to draw a tiny red flag beside them for each time they warned the Israelites about things they needed to pay attention to or zero in on.
Zero in on It: Signs You Need to Heed
If you're a beach goer you need to be aware of of warning flags that are along the shore. These flags at times warn you shouldn't be in the water. Often a flag means "stay out" there are dangerous rip currents or dangerous things in the water. "Red flag words" are words that mean "danger," so stop and read them--zero in on them. Pay close attention to them!
Along side of a nearby creek I spied a red warning sign that one needed to take heed of. It said, "Water Hazard- Enter at your own risk!"* Why? The water in that creek is often murky and filled with materials/creatures you don't want on your skin or in your eyes, nose, or mouth. God's word too is full of signs or words you need to take heed of, for as God warns don't get involved in certain practices, or hang out with certain persons because if you do you'll be entering into things at your own risk or danger, and there will be consequences!
*Note the term "hazard." Talk about its meaning; don't miss the "z" in the center.
Zero in on It: A Red Flag Bible Verse Bag
Prep It: lunch/bag, red paper, scissors, printed red flag images, straw, printed red flag words, glue, tape, .... red flag images - Bing images
Make It: Cut off bag top; open up bag basket. Cut 2"X6" red handle. Print red flag; cut out. Attach to straw. Hint: Flexible straws are great to use for just the top parts moves! To bag front glue on "0 in on Red Flag Bag Bible Verses," To handle: glue on printed red flag words: "Turn Not Aside!"--"Take Heed!"--and "Beware!" To small markers: glue on printed verses that begin with words given with tiny red flags in front of each one.. e.g. Cut markers "2"X5", and onto marker top glue on tiny flag image with part of "flag" sticking out. Glue on printed verses. Be sure to scroll down to photo sample at bottom of lesson!!
Zero in on It: On the Wrong Road
When I was a girl, our house was so close to the back neighbor's bunglow that we could each open a window to talk to each other. Now in that small home lived a widowed immigrant mom and her three children whose father had been killed by the Communists in Poland. One son was older, but two of the children Liz and Joe were younger. Often we'd see the two younger children zig-zagging or meandering about doing scary things like jumping from one rooftop to another rooftop or ramming about on their bicycles at all hours. Soon we got to know them, inviting them to Sunday School and church to learn about the Lord Jesus.
So it was that one wintry night my family and friends were driving home from church coming near to an icy bridge over a bay. Suddenly bright lights shone out. Mr. Moon, our driver, quickly drove over to see if we might help only to view two mangled bicycles lying on the slick roadway. Right away we knew there had been an awful accident. Seeing the police had arrived we left going to our homes.
It was then mom turned on the radio to hear the news that a girl had drowned, and a boy had been hurt. And who was this girl and boy? It was Liz and Joe. How I cried. Inside I asked, "Did you know Jesus, Liz ? Do you know Jesus, Joe?" To this day I vividly remember Liz and Joe who had been out on their bicycles that frigid night.
Even in Bible days, God's people, despite his warnings, often wandered off to do things with people often luring them to do wrong things. What a sad thing when boys and girls, or grownups are tempted to go down wrong paths sure to endanger them. In God's word over and over it warned the Israelites not to "turn aside" down wrong roads. Even boys and girls must make decisions whether to decide to follow Jesus' way, or to stray and "turn aside." A challenging song asks us: "Who Is on the Lord's Side?" (Moses' words: Exodus 32:26) Hear the Whisnant's quartet's beautiful song here: Who Is On the Lord's Side - YouTube
Every Day
Every day
zero in on God's way:
the narrow way,
the one way,
the none other name way,
the Jesus way.
Zero in on It: Verses You Need to Heed!
Psalm 119:9-11 contain truths for youths. Find them, and red flag them. Here is what they say: "Wherewithal* shall a young man (or young woman) cleanse his way? by taking heed according to thy word. With my whole heart have I sought thee: O let me not wander from thy commandments. Thy words have I hid in mine heart, that I might not sin against thee." *How
What does cleanse your way mean? Where can one get answers about how to get rid of sin? How must we search after God? What must we not do? What do we hide in our hearts to keep us from sin?
Zero In On It: Focus In On This Love Verse
From these Deuteronomy love verses* choose one to zero in on. Why did you choose this love verse? Write it in your journal. Mark it in your Bible. Make a marker for your Love Tube too. Memorize it! Share it with someone too!
*Love Verses to use: Deut. 5:10, 6:5, 7:7, 7:8, 7:13, 10:12, 10:15, 10:18, 10:22, 11:1, 11:13, 11:22, 13:3, 30:20 ....
Zero in on It: The Story of Eric Liddell--Olympian Hero!
Eric Liddell was a famous Olympian runner who was born in Qing, China in 1902. The son of missionary parents Eric was sent away to boarding school where by his early twenties he had become an amazing runner. Racing for Britain became something Eric zealously zeroed in on winning a chance to go to the 1924 Olympics in Paris. However, when he heard he had to run a Sunday race, he announced he wouldn't do that for that did not please the Lord. But things turned around enabling him to to race in other Olympic events. Find out in this video exactly what happened to him in those events. Later on. Eric was so zeroed in on the Lord that he gave up on running, and vowed to return to China to give the gospel there. Like our Bible hero Caleb, Eric stayed true to the Lord all his life through, and the Lord honored him. Hear this exciting "Torchlighters Heroes of Faith" video here:
The Torchlighters: The Eric Liddell Story (2007)|Full Episode|Kenny Blyth|Robert Fernandez
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-vtOpo0QgBg (Feb.26, 2021) Click to listen here:
Teachers, Parents, Grandparents, YOU!
Zero in on It: God's Fervent Servants: Caleb and Joshua
There's some things about Caleb and Joshua one should zero in on that is: they had the spirit of the Lord upon them, they fully and wholly followed the Lord, and they were the Lord's fervent or zealous servants! About Caleb, Numbers 14:24 says: "But my servant Caleb, because he had another spirit in him, and hath followed me fully, him will I bring into the land whereunto he went, and his seed shall possess it." Of Joshua Deuteronomy 34:9 reads, "And Joshua was full of the spirit of wisdom; for Moses had laid his hands upon him: ...." Joshua 24:29 adds, "... Joshua the son of Nun, the servant of the LORD, died ...." What zealous servants were these two men who stood strong in the Lord and the power of his might!
Zero in on It: Say No to Zen Pig!
Mark Brown, of Nashville, Tn. is the author of the cleverly written and illustrated kids' series titled Zen Pig. Cute, cuddly, appealing, but ever so deceiving Zen Pig will indoctrinate anyone including teachers, parents, and grandparents into Zen Buddhism and Mindfulness among other things.
Therefore, become aware of the extensive Zen Pig collection as seen in its images. Concentrate on their appeal to all ages. Hear Brown's Zen Pig: The Wonder We Are read-aloud Youtube video. Pay attention to its rhymes and pictures that teach kids/ grownups Zen Pig's meditative techniques. Listen here: Zen pig kids book by Mark Brown - Bing video
Also zoom in on Zen Pig @ ZenPigBook.Book Facebook page. View the art work pics and sayings of its Zen followers and New Age gurus. See here: (11) Zen Pig | Facebook
Note its Facebook hashtags link readers to enticing practices which are patently unbiblical. Beware!
Finally, read this article alerting parents as to why not to become enamoured with this pink pig. Read "Zen Pig: A Review for Christian Parents" by Leslie Schmucker. Find it here: Zen Pig: A Review for Christian Parents — Leslie Schmucker
Remember, these picture books are "primers" to expose one to meditative practices that will lead you astray! Instead, zero in on the Lord Jesus, not Zen Pig to give you calmness and hope. Recall, Jesus said, "Come unto me, all ye that are labour and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest!" (Matt. 11:28)
Zero in on It: Reaching Gen Z Kids!
A Plea
to Gen Z
Gen Z--
Be smart,
do not depart,
love God
with all
your heart!
Love Him,
not youself!
Realize that some of the children you're teaching are part of "Gen Z"--a generation focused and zeroed in on themselves and their phones. Never forget Deuteronomy admonishes us to take every
opportunity-- as it arrises-- to zero in on instilling the word into the hearts of your children and grand- children. In closing, may "these words" from Deuteronomy 6:6-9 revererate in your heart: "And these words which I command thee this day, shall be in thine heart: And thou shalt teach them diligently unto thy children, and shalt talk of them when thou sittest in thine house, and when thou walkest in the way, and when thou liest down, and when thou risest up. And thou shalt bind them for a sign upon thine hand, and they shall be as frontlets between thine eyes. And thou shalt write them upon the posts of thy house, and on thy gates."
Click on the photos to make them larger!