Tuesday, February 28, 2023

Jeremiah for Me: Lesson 10: Part I: Good King Josiah: 16th. King of Judah: Jeremiah Journey, Journal, n' Puppets

Jeremiah for Me:  Lesson 10:  Part I: Good King Josiah: 16th King of Judah: Jeremiah Journey, Journal, n' Puppets

Lesson 10:  Part I features a short introduction to the last five kings of Judah plus the story of good King Josiah while Lesson 10: Part II & III will feature stories about Kings Jehoahaz, Jehoiakim, Jehoiachin, and Zedekiah.   Looking ahead:  In Part II read about "The Vermilion King," "The Vermilion Conversation," and the "The Vermilion Color Book Verse", and more.  And in the Part III lesson be sure to view cute king and other mini-Bible finger puppets that are such fun to create and use.  

Now, get ready to peek into the lives of the rulers that Jeremiah the prophet faithfully preached to.  In this lesson read the amazing story of Josiah, the kid king, who at an early age began to seek the Lord.  Follow him to his death in battle with Neco, King of Egypt.  

To begin recall that Jeremiah was part of the Southern Kingdom of Judah which included the tribe of Benjamin and Judah and centered round Jerusalem.  Recall too that the ten tribes of the Northern Kingdom Israel were captured by the Assyrians prior to the capture of Southern Kingdom Judah by the Babylonians.  Know also many events in Jeremiah are not in chronological order.

The Last Five Kings of Judah:  The final five kings included Josiah, Jehoahaz, Jehoiakim, Jehoiachin, and Zedekiah.  Perhaps, you're thinking what's the best way to remember these similar sounding names?  Here's a little way that's helped me, and a way that even the youngest child can learn about them.  First, cut out crown cutouts folded into four parts.  Then print/stick/glue letter parts of each king's name in the spaces separating them by syllables.  See photo below!  

Your names will look like this: Jo-si-ah, Je-ho-a-haz, Je-hoi-a-kim, Je-hoi-a-chin and Ze-de-ki-ah.  Then make some observations:  How many names begin with J? Which name has "jo" in it?  "ho'" in it?  Which names have a "z" in them? "hoi" in them?  Which have "ah" at the end?  Which ends with a girl's name? a part of the face? Which has the word "zed" (means "z") in it?  Which name is shortest? longest?  Which have three syllables/parts or four syllables?  A Hint:  Owning a Bible that syllabizes places and names make pronunciation so much easier!

Crown Cutout   Crown cutouts make great book markers, IYJ paper toppers, or even a crown for a younger child.  Use them atop your puppet stage area as well.  A Hint:  These lessons are written so that even preschoolers can be included!  For them notice the "headbands" on the puppets and make one for them too.  e.g. For our previous lesson the puppet had a sun, moon, and star headband; take a strip of paper and staple into ring; then draw or add pics of sun, moon, and stars!  Of course, older siblings could assist them in making puppets too!  Pick and choose the activities suitable for your situation!    

Jeremiah's Call Came During Josiah's Reign:  Jeremiah 1:2,3 pinpoints precisely when Jeremiah heard God's call to be a prophet--during the thirteenth year of Josiah's rule.  If Josiah was eight when he began to rule Judah and Jerusalem how old was, he then? (21)         

Josiah & Other Kings Mentioned in Bible History Books:  Besides Jeremiah's prophecy, accounts of Josiah's reign are also given in II Kings and II Chronicles at the end of the books.  IYB locate and read the accounts for each of the five last kings of Judah!    

I Kings 13 "O Altar, O Altar" Story Prophesies About Josiah!  In I Kings 13:1-1-3 is a curious story about a man of God, King Jeroboam, Josiah, and an altar that would split in two.  Find it, read it, and then skip ahead to II Kings 23:15, 16 where this prophecy is fulfilled by Josiah many years later when during his purge or idol demolition, he stopped someone from removing the bones of the man of God named in I Kings 13!      

Josiah's Part in Jesus' Genealogy:  Josiah is named in the Matthew 1:10,11 along with his grandfather, and son.  Turn to that passage and find their names.  In it Josiah is listed as Josias.  By the way in Matthew chapter two Jeremiah is called "Jeremy."

Josiah's Name Means:   According to Easton's Bible Dictionary Josiah's name means "healed by Jehovah," or "Jehovah will support."  Find here: Eastons Bible Dictionary Online (biblestudytools.com)   Do you know the meaning of your name?  Is your name a Bible name?  Early I was aware that both my first and middle names were Bible names.  I remember being very surprised that our youngest granddaughter's name was Biblical.  I had never noticed that name, and I very eagerly shared that with her.

Josiah's Place in History:  Josiah is a historical figure and often used with BC (Before Christ) which in case you haven't noticed it is no longer written that way.  Rather it is written BCE now.  (Before the Common Era) Why do you suppose this is?  Discuss!!  If you decided it's just another way to wipe out God you'd be correct!  So as for me I will continue always to use BC and AD!   

Josiah Did Right Gem Verse:  II Kings 22:2 tells us that: "And he (Josiah) did right in the sight of the LORD, and walked in all the way of David his father, and turned not aside to the right hand or to the left." 

For even though youthful Josiah chose to follow the way of righteousness.  A perfect verse great for younger kids too "... Josiah did right in the sight of the Lord, ..." (Note: right and sight rhyme!)  Say could you write your name into this verse?

"Josiah Did Right" Action Rhyme:  Click below and scroll down to enjoy poem and much more on Josiah that I did as part of "K for Keep" It in my Deuteronomy for Me Lessons.  Fun to say and act out this action rhyme is perfect for the little ones you know.  Do click here!!  Post: Edit (blogger.com) 

Josiah's House of the Lord Renovation:  Josiah noticed that the house of the Lord had been neglected and needed repair.  Therefore, he ordered workers to fix it up once again. While this repair was being done Hilkiah the priest made a discovery that would change Josiah's life.  What was this discovery?  It was the finding of God's book!  Later, Shaphan the scribe read it to King Josiah.  As Josiah heard the words, he felt so sorrowful he tore/rent/ripped his robes.

Josiah Consults with Huldah:  After hearing God's book Josiah sent a group of men to ask a word from the Lord from the prophetess Huldah.  Huldah, as the keeper of the king's wardrobe, would have been a part of Josiah's inner circle. God's message to Josiah, through Huldah, was because Josiah had humbled himself and showed sadness for the sins of his people, he would never live to see all of the evil that would come to Jerusalem.

IYB put a heart sticker in front of v. II Kings 22:19 to remind you how his heart was touched and saddened over the horrible behavior of the idolaters.  I wonder does all of the lying and the evil round us today sadden your heart making you want to stand for truth?  I pray so!  Look at the "Huldah" IYJ page photo below.

Neat Huldah Page/Article:  Find a Huldah illustration on pages 510-511 in Baker Book's 2016 KJV Study Bible for Girls.  If one wishes the page can be colored.  What a great up-to-date KJV Bible for girls 8-12 with its Book Introductions; Women's World; Be All You Can Be; Good Morning, God; and Heroes and Heroines Sections.  At the back is an easy-to-use Dictionary-Concordance.  Although it lacks maps and cross references it is a good starter Bible for girls. After purchasing one for our granddaughter, I wanted one as well.  Find it here:     KJV Study Bible for Girls Hardcover: Baker Publishing Group, Richards, Larry: 9780801018527: Amazon.com: Books
Josiah's Idol Demolition: When King Josiah realized that all the idols, images, and sacred places were filled with abominable things he ordered a huge purging or clean-up of these places.  Would that be our leaders in our government/churches would do the same! For we just like in Jeremiah's era we have committed the very same sins.  That's why a book like Jeremiah needs to be taught from one's youth!!  How sad it was when a pastor I knew confessed to knowing nothing about Jeremiah.  

Josiah Images Galore:  Learn to click onto image sites that include lots more pics, artwork, time-line line pages, coloring book pics, craft projects, and much more.   You can peruse them with a child or grandchild should you want even more things to do.  king josiah images for kids - Search (bing.com)

Good King Josiah Then: Good Queen Elizabeth Recently:  All his life Josiah sought to please the Lord and of him it was written: "And like unto him was there no king before him, that turned to the LORD with all his heart, and with all his soul, and all his might, according to the law of Moses, neither after him arose there any like him."  I Kings 23:25

This makes me think of Queen Elizabeth who from her youth chose to do right and when she died many stories were told of her loyalty to her people and to the Lord. Her life especially intrigued me as my parents were born in England, and an aunt and uncle attended her coronation.  Later, I too got to visit Windsor Castle as well as St. George's Chapel where she is now buried. 

Potentate Portraits: In Dr. Harold L. Willmington's outstanding book Willmington's Survey of the Old Testament he presents succinct word pictures of the kings under whom Jeremiah prophesied. Find these portraits in: "Preview: Rulers in the South," and "Overview: Scripture, Subject, Specifics, Saints and Sinners, and Sentence Summaries" which contain a simple and thorough synopsis from Josiah-Zedekiah. (pp. 365-66) Turn over to pages 366-367 and pp.454 and following for even more info.  View the book here: Willmington's Survey of the Old Testament: An Overview of the Scriptures from Creation to Christ: Willmington, Harold L.: 9780882078243: Amazon.com: Books   Since this is an older book, it may be found online for a fraction of its original price.  

Speaking of "Potentates" list some other words for kings: rulers, leaders, monarchs, sovereigns, ....  As one reads Jeremiah besides Biblical facts, stories, prophecy, and verses it's easy to expand one's vocabulary.  What a treasure trove Jeremiah is for exploring so many other topics at the same time.

Puppet Display:  Look at the five king puppet photos. To display them I used a cardboard egg carton which allowed me to stand them all up the in order.   Note: Coming up in the next lesson will be easy-to-make: "Mini King Finger Puppets!!!!!!!!!!!!"  Don't miss them. 

Meet Hilkiah & Shaphan:  Hilkiah the High Priest was the finder of the "Book of the Law."  It was he who gave it to Shaphan who in turn read it to Josiah. See Shaphan the Scribe or Secretary:  Position him by the king with a scroll lectern as he reads its words.  Have Josiah listening.  Do add a few tear drops or ripped clothing piece.  Below view puppets in the photo section.   

Josiah Puppet Scene:  Josiah: Reading the Book of the Law by a Temple Pillar/Gate:  Use your Josiah king puppet made in Lesson Three. See photos below!  Also use the silver/gray covered towel tubes that form the "Temple Gate."  Click on photos!  Stand Josiah by one.  Use an assortment of other puppets to be the people who at the direction of Josiah stood to honor the reading of the book.    

Toilet Tube Lectern:  Make 2 1/4" toilet tube lectern; roll in silver/gray paper.  Make simple lectern top 2 1/2" X 2" to place over lectern tube top.  Lay "scroll atop" that.  See pics!  May stand Josiah on bottle top and cover with purple or red small napkin. 

Book of the Law Scroll:  Roll two cotton swabs in sticky note paper; secure.  Put a foam piece between them.  Tape.  Click on photos for close up.  Don't have the exact paper; no worry use what you can find at your house! 

IYJ:  Look over the IYJ photo pages with its sample Puppet Scripture Story Script. 

Step by Step Instructions for Puppet Shows with Scripture Script
1.  Choose story title.  The IYJ story example is: "Found: The Book of the Law."  (II Kings 22)
2.  Make a character list; let kids draw them.  IYJ the story characters are: Hilkiah the Priest, Shaphan the Scribe, King Josiah, Huldah the Prophetess, and The King's Men.  View photo below to see the two pages:  notice the characters.
3.  Next, read the story from your Bible aloud noticing the speaking parts.  If you wish to shorten the verses a bit use ... to show this.  Remember, the goal is to use Scripture for our script not our own made-up words!  Write or print out the verse words the characters will say perhaps printing or gluing them onto index cards.
4.  Check out the puppet photos.  Click on them to enlarge them! 
5.  Set up props: e.g., the silver pillars, a tiny tube lectern, and so on.  Use repurposed items.  e.g.  Use the inside of mailer envelopes for streets. Study the photos below!
6.  Practice your script moving the puppets and reading the script words.
7.  For each lesson story present a little show; older adults/kids can be in charge of a show for younger ones.
8.  Most of all encourage all puppeteers to put the Word into their hearts, not a made-up script.

Thoughts Concerning  Scripture Script:   Very concerning to me as a lifetime Christian educator and kids' curriculum author is the fact that as I view some Bible Story shows, movies, and podcasts very often the characters use ideas/words that do not resemble the Word in even a remote way.  Could this be why our children, products of Childrens' Churches, Christian TV shows, and so on, never have the Word in their heart for they really do not know it nor hear it???      

Always keep in mind II Timothy 3:15 which reads:    "... From a child thou hast known the holy scriptures, which are able to make thee wise unto salvation through faith which is in Christ Jesus."