Thursday, June 4, 2015

Truth or Consequences: A Booklet Highlighting Biblical Truth

Truth or Consequences: A Booklet Highlighting Biblical Truth

Warren Smith, one of my very favorite authors, recently wrote Truth or Consequences centered round the timely message that it is "imperative that we take a look at what the Bible says about truth--
how we must love it and keep it and hold it in the highest regard." (p.9)

To enable the reader to love, keep, and hold to truth Warren has listed over fifty "truth verses"  under the section "Bible Teachings on Truth."  Over each verse Warren writes a concise title summary.
From "Our God Is a God of Truth"(Deuteronomy 32:4) to "The Truth Shall Make You Free-If You Continue in His Word!" (John 8:31-32) Smith beautifully lays out keys to truth found in the Word.
(pp. 9-15)

Of all the scriptures Smith highlights, John 14:6 is the verse that Warren refers to most for "Jesus Is The Truth!"  In "What Is Truth?," Warren explains, "The reason the Bible has so much to say about truth is because Jesus Christ is the truth.  He said, 'I am the way, the truth, and life: No man cometh unto the Father, but by me' (John 14:6)  Bible-believing Christians trust these words in the Bible because the Bible is--'in truth'--the actual Word of God." (p.5)

Speaking of "the truth verse" reminds me of the stately  "Hall of Christ" building found in the center of Chautauqua Institution, Chautauqua, N.Y.  Built in 1909, by the famed architect Paul J. Pelz, it has a gigantic pediment that features a low relief of the Bible surrounded by arms scattering its message in all directions.  Just below, inside its monumental portico, is inscribed the wondrous truth verse John 14:6!

Now, Chautauqua Institution was founded in the late nineteenth century as a Sunday school training camp for the Methodist Episcopal denomination, but over the years like so many other establishments it has strayed far from its original moorings--far from Biblical truth just as Smith talks about in his
tract article.

In July 2014 in the Hall of Christ (once declared by its founder Bishop John H. Vincent to be used solely for all things pertaining to Christ) The Chautauquan Daily article-- "The APYA Coordinators Host Jum'ah, The Muslim Friday Prayer, in the Hall of Christ"-- tells us what's now taking place in this once hallowed hall.

One wonders if any Chautauquan now glances up at the Bible on its impressive pediment, or reads the amazing truth verse over the tall portico, for if they did they might find the answers to all they are seeking!  Instead, all over Chautauqua's grounds are signs spouting words of peace and inclusion and unity--but not truth.  And just as this movement, that began founded on Biblical principles,
has turned from the way, the truth, and life so have hundreds of other institutions and churches.

And because we've turned away our ears, and hearts from truth how desperately we need men like Warren Smith who aren't afraid to declare timely warnings such as "Leavening the Truth," (p.4) or "The Right Hand of Falsehood" (p.8) as Smith has ably written in this small booklet showing us the need to return to absolute truth as found in the Word.

How we need to open our Bibles, and read and reread these "truth" scriptures over and over.  How we need to mark them too.  And more than mark them we need to know them, and we need to live them!  How fitting that Smith began his work with the Apostle John's praise of the well-beloved Gaius who had chosen to walk in truth.  (III John 1:4)  And as the esteemed Gaius did, may we too walk in truth so as to have a good testimony among the brethren!

Thank you Warren Smith for being true to the Word, and to the truth.  May we all learn from your example, and as Paul instructed in I Timothy 4:6 "be nourished up in the words of faith," and as Peter penned in II Peter 3:18  "grow in grace and in the knowledge of our Lord Jesus Christ."  And may
we all become "men and women of truth" (Exodus 18:21), and "fellow helpers to truth" (III John 1:8).

Learn to Discern Granny Verse:  III John 1:3

Of Gaius John wrote, "For I rejoiced greatly when the brethren came and testified of the truth that is in thee, even as thou walkest in the truth."

For More Information:

To obtain copies of this scripture-filled truth booklet for yourself, or perhaps for a Bible Study go to:

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