Monday, February 10, 2020

A Is For Abhor It!

A Is for Abhor It

This is the first lesson in the series:  ABC: Deuteronomy for Me: Raising a Caleb Kid in a Disrupted  World.

Little Kids: (Ages 4-7)

A Is for Abhor It

A is for abhor it--
that means we should
hate all that is evil
and cleave to the good. 

A Is for Abomination

A is for abomination,
a detestable act,
despicable too,
something God said
never to do!

There are two A words in our first lesson: abhor and abomination.  They are big words, but they will help us stay away from bad things and learn to do good things.  In Deuteronomy God's people were on a journey to go into a special land, and their leader Moses warned them that they should keep away from turning aside to do evil things. Those evil things were called "abominations."  Can you say that?   God warned: "Keep an abomination or an evil thing out of your house. Utterly detest it! Utterly abhor it!" (From Deut. 7:26) 

Learn It:  There's a verse in Romans 12:9 that says: "... Abhor that which is evil, cleave to that which is good."  While Deuteronomy is in the Old Testament, Romans is in the New Testament.   Open your Bible to the Contents page.  Can you point to the part that says "Old Testament?"  Can you point to the words that say "New Testament."  Now count down to the sixth book to find Romans. Did you find it?  Let's go to Romans chapter 12 and verse 9.  (Assist children.)  Highlight it.  Say it!

Act It Out:  "The Bible"

The Old Testament
(Left palm up.)
and New Testament         
(Right palm up)
are parts one and two       
(Shake each hand.)
that make up our Bible--  
(Bring palms together.)   
God's Word so true!
(Lift 'Bible' above head.)

Hear It!  Yes, We Should!

We should abhor evil     
because that's bad.
(Say decisively.)
Yes we should!
(Wag finger.)              
We should stick to         
that which is good!
(Emphasize good.)
Yes we should!
(Wag finger.)              

Make It : Accordion Fold-It Marker

  paper, ruler, marker, pencil, print strip, glue ….

Make:  Measure seven boxes 11/2" X 2 1/2" onto your paper; cut out strip; accordion fold.  Open out to glue words into each box.  Print out Romans 12:9:  "... Abhor that which is evil, cling to that which is good."  Cut apart words.  

Assemble:  Help child to begin to glue one word per box ("Abhor-to" on one side) and turn over to finish the verse ("that-9:12") on reverse side.  Or, simply have kids use a marker or pencil to write verse into boxes on both sides beginning with "Abhor" ending with 9:12.   Read together.

Say It!  Days of Week with Romans 12:9

Recite the verse naming  the days of the week and these "abhor" synonyms.  "Hate" …  "Detest" …  "Despise" …  "Loathe" …  "Reject" … "Dislike" … "Distain" ….

Say:  On Sunday hate that which is evil, cling to that which is good.  On Monday detest that which is evil, cling to that which is good.   On Tuesday despise that which is evil ….  and so on changing the synonym for each day of the week.   For the eighth time say the verse as it is written: "I will abhor evil, cling to that which is good."
Think About It: Abhor Lying 

Have you heard the story of Pinocchio whose nose grew longer every time he didn't tell the truth--every time he told a lie.  That's a make-believe story..  But lying is something that is sin.   In Psalm 119:163 the Psalmist says, "I hate and abhor lying:* but thy law do I love."  I hope you can say that too.  What did the Psalmist hate?  What did he love?  What is the opposite of hate?  Yes, love!

*  Note hate and abhor used together here!

Sing It:  Be Careful Little Tongue

Sing the old song "Be Careful Little Hands" changing the words  to "Be careful little tongue what you say, …."

Listen to It:  Deuteronomy 7:1-11 Story

God said, "I am taking you to the Promised Land.  I will be with you.  I will fight for you.  You will meet many enemies.  Get rid of all their gods and places where they worship.  You will have to get rid of everything--utterly destroy it!  If you let these people stay you will get married to them, and then those children will worship and bow down to pagan gods, and they won't serve me."

"Remember!", said God, "you are a holy and a special people whom I love so much.  So obey my rules and do them!  Don't be afraid, for I will help you."

Tell It: The Lie in Believe

Write the word "believe" on your white board.  Tell the children there's a little word hiding in the middle of believe.  Ask if they see it.  Then tell them the story.  

I read a story about some children who were having a "Spelling Bee."  There were two teams.  First one team would spell a word, and then the other team would take a turn.  If someone spelled it wrong then that child would sit down.  It was one little girl's turn to spell.  Her word was "believe."  She didn't really know how to spell it, until she watched the lips of someone near her who helped her.  And then, she spelled it right.  Afterwards, she felt very sad because she had cheated.  Besides, right in the middle of believe was the little word "lie."  Can you see it?  Write the word "believe" in your journal; trace over "lie" to make it darker.

Remember It: A God of Truth!

Some people say some lies are little "white lies."  But there is no such thing!   There are just lies.   God hates them!  For lies are not little nor are they white, but they are something God calls an "abomination."  Deuteronomy 32:4 tells us about who God is.  It says:  "He is the Rock, his work is perfect: … a God of truth and without iniquity (sin), just and right is he."  Oh, I love that verse.  For our God is a God of truth!  Yes, there's something God never does, and that is lie!

Listen to It:  George Washington and The Cherry Tree

George Washington was the first President of the United States.  When he was a little boy, it's said  that George was playing outdoors when he saw an ax lying below a little cherry tree.  Now, George knew he shouldn't pick up that ax, but he did.  And very soon, the story goes, he had chopped down that tree.  Later, his father asked George if it was he who had chopped down the tree.  George then confessed he had done it.  Because he didn't lie his father didn't punish him. And today on Washington's birthday people often eat something with cherries in it.  Do you?
Older Kids: Ages 8-12:

Needed:  KJV Bible, highlighters, white board, markers, ….

Hear It!  Don't Be Snared!

If you find yourself
in a snare
don't go there!
Instead, you should
cleave to the good,
and leave evil behind.

What does it mean to be snared?  What is a snare?   Don't know?  Look it up online in the Merriam-Webster dictionary or in your Bible Concordance!  By the way, what word do you see in cleave?  In your journal write a sentence using the word snare; draw something that traps or snares you.

Heed It! Read It!  Deuteronomy 7

When God's people were just about ready to enter the Promised Land, God told them that he'd be with them and help them to fight the enemies they'd meet.  They were, God instructed, to totally or utterly destroy these enemies because of their wicked practices of worshipping idols and other abominable things they were doing.

Who were these enemies?  They were the "ites"--seven nations--the Hittites, the Girgashites, the Amorites, the Canaanites, the Perizzites, the Hivites, and the Jebusites, seven nations greater and mightier than the Israelites.

God commanded:  "Utterly destroy them.  Make no agreements or covenants with them.  Don't marry them."  Why?  God said if you don't totally get rid of them they will turn away your children from following me, and your children will serve their gods."

Besides God commanded the Israelites to destroy their idol altars, their idol tree groves, and their idol images.  Why?  God told Israel that they were a holy people, a special people he had chosen not because there were many of them, but because he loved them.  He had also made a forever promise to their ancestor Abraham that they'd live in a special land.  "Therefore," God said, "keep my commandments, statues, and judgments, and do them."

Hint:  Tell the children this abbreviated story, and then after read aloud with them the entire chapter of Deuteronomy 7!  Don't miss the final two verses:  note "utterly detest it, and utterly abhor it!"        
Explore  It: Ten Things to Do with Each ABC Word

Word: Abhor
1.  Look up "abhor"  on your online dictionary; hear its pronunciation and read its definition.
2.  What kind of word is abhor?  (an action word or a verb)
3.  What are its word forms?  abhor, abhorring, abhorred, abhorrent, abhorrence
4.  Use the online Thesaurus; find its synonyms and antonyms.
5.  Use the online rhyming words site; find its rhyming words.
6.  Use the word in a sentence on your white board, or in a journal; illustrate it.
7.  Highlight the "abhor" verse in your Bible.
8.  Discuss the verse; meditate on it.
9.  Memorize the verse; recite it.
10.  Give an example of something in our culture one would abhor.

**  Use the same ten steps to discover what "abomination" means.

Hint!  With your assistance Caleb kids should regularly research scripture words/topics readying themselves to become true discerners.  Would that each of us daily search the scriptures as the Bereans did!  (Acts 17:11)

Memorize It!  Meditate on It!  Romans 12:9

See instruction above.  Remember, in these lessons you may pick and choose to use any parts that are especially helpful to your child.  A similar verse to Romans 12:9 is Psalm 34:14a.  "Depart from evil, and do good;"  Find the same words in Psalm 37:27.  Hint:  Teach kids to check out the tiny cross references below various verses!  

Make It:  Accordion-Fold Abhor Marker

Follow the instructions given above to make your marker.  Let older kids even do their own measurements.  Instead of printing off words let kids write the verse using small print across the top and bottom of the strip:  print "Abhor-to" across the top printing one words per box, and across the bottom print "that-Romans 12: 9."  In the middle print these synonyms of "abhor":  hate, detest, despise, loathe, reject, dislike, distain.  Recite the verse over and over as described.  What an applicable verse to use in our disrupted culture!  

Discover It!  KJV Web Site

For even more exploration, use this site to find out how many references of "abhor" or "abomination" are in each specific book. Always key in your search word like this "....." in the KJV Bible.

Understand It:  Seven Things God Hates:  Proverbs 6:16-19

Proverbs 6: 16-19 records seven abominations God hates.  It says: "These six things doth the LORD hate: yea, seven are an abomination unto him: A proud look, a lying tongue, and hands that shed innocent blood, An heart the deviseth wicked imaginations, feet that be swift in running to mischief, A false witness that speaketh lies, and he that soweth discord among brethren."  The third abomination that God hates is "hands that shed innocent blood."  What does that mean?  If you said "killing someone who is innocent, or murder" you would be correct.  Which one of the ten commandments has just four words in it that warns us not to kill anyone?  Yes, commandment number six: "Thou shalt not kill." (Deut. 5:17)

Discuss It:  Abominable Acts

Write the word abomination on your white board.  The word "nation" is in it.  Do you see it? Trace over it with another colored marker.  Our nation is the USA.  Now, think about the seven abominations God hates.  Which ones of these acts happens in  our country all the time?  Really, all of them.  But, there's one that happens to babies that is so cruel.  It begins with an "A."  Yes, it is abortion.  Discuss.* Deuteronomy tells us not to murder, but to choose life!

*  Give as much information as appropriate for the ages of your children.  With all that's happening around us these days youngsters need to know what God says about taking a life of someone else.

Notice It: The White Crosses By the Roadside

Each year a little rural church in Tennessee puts out many white crosses on the hillside by a busy road.  As one passes by one can't help but see this silent message protesting abortion.  Should you pass something similar or encounter a "Right to Life Parade" by all means talk to your children about it.   Perhaps, you may even be able to participate in such an event.
Parents, Grandparents, Teachers, YOU:

One of the most abominable practices that the nations surrounding Israel did was to offer their children upon their altars as sacrifices to their pagan gods.  How horrible that was!  But, just think of our nation and others that have sacrificed their babies on the altar of abortion.  Not only is abortion the law of our land, but it is celebrated.

There's now an organization that gives a "Shout Your Abortion."  It behooves all of us as adults whether a parent or not to be aware of such organizations, and to talk with our children about them. Surely, Deuteronomy is a book, as the Bible says,  that was written for our learning. (Romans 15:4)   May we truly be doers of the Word and teach our children to 'choose life" as Deuteronomy admonishes us!


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