Tuesday, May 21, 2024

Some Psalm Con-verse-sations! Psalm Lessons/Verses/Stories/Projects for Adults/Kids

Some Psalm Con-verse-sations!  

Psalm Lessons for Big n' Little Kids 

In this chaotic world what a treasure the Book of the Psalms is from its first chapter right up to its final one.  In fact, to begin with Psalm One or "The Preface Psalm" is to find oneself asking which path of life am I on?  Whose side do I stand with?  In whose words do I delight?  In whose words will I meditate?  Truly, Psalm 1 is a "For Such a Time as This Psalm." 

The Introduction:  How much do you know about the Psalms?  Take the quiz.   

The Psalm Quiz:  Circle the correct answer.

1.  The book of Psalms is found in the OT or NT?

2.  The word Psalms means "book of promises" or "book of praises?"

3.  The book of Psalms is the 19th or 20th book of the Bible?  

4.  The first and last Psalms each have five or six verses?

5.  The shortest Psalm is Psalm 100 or Psalm 117?

6.  There are five or six books within the Psalms.

7.  The correct abbreviation for one Psalm is Ps. or Pss.? 

8.  An abbreviation for more than one Psalm is Ps. or Pss.?

9.   The book before the Psalms is Proverbs or Job?

10.  A note above a Psalm is called a subscription or superscription?

11.  The book that isn't part of the books of Wisdom is Jeremiah or Psalms?

12.  The person who isn't a Psalm author is King David or Samuel?

Find the answers to the quiz at the end of the lesson. 

Intro to the Psalms for Kids:  

Use activities suitable to the age of your group!  These lessons are brim full of learning all sorts of terms and include lots of early math skills as well.  e.g.  Count by tens to Psalm 150.  Or count the books in the OT; which one is the Psalms?  Or learn a word like abbreviation!  e.g.  Know the abbreviation for Psalm and Psalms.  

1.  Take a look at the word Psalm. If you cross off the "Ps", what word do you find?  What does it mean?  If you cross off just the "s", what word do you see?  What does it mean?

2.  How many letters does Psalm have?  What letter is quiet or silent?  What sound do you hear at the beginning?  What sound do you hear at the end?  How do you pronounce it? 

3.  Where in the Bible is the Book of Psalms?  The OT or NT?  Turn to the Table of Contents in your Bible.  Find the word Old Testament.  Highlight or circle it.  Find the book of Psalms.  Highlight or circle it.

4.  What OT Book is before the Psalms?  after it?  Dot them.  

5.  What number is the book of Psalms? Use a pencil/pen tip beginning with Genesis and count down to the Psalms?  What book # did you get?   If you wish write 1-19 before each book. 

6.  In the OT the Psalms is part of the five books of Poetry: Job, Psalms, Proverbs, Ecclesiastes, and Song of Solomon.  Make a box around these five books.

5.  What do all Bible book names begin with?  If you don't want to write out the name of a Bible book, we use an abbreviation.  That makes less writing.  Psalm is Ps. and Psalms is Pss.

6.  There are many ways to sort out the Psalms.  Sometimes, I give personal names as "Mom's Psalm Verse" or "The Bridge Lady's Psalm" and so on.  Above most Psalm words describing the psalm are known as the "Superscription."  However, sometimes some psalms don't have one while others have lengthy ones.  

7.  The Psalms have different writers as David, Solomon, Asaph, and the Sons of Korah.  and some Psalms don't mention who wrote them at all.  e.g. King David has 73 Psalms that he wrote. 

Tools to Use:

1.  Using a large white board is a great tool for a teacher to use whether with older folks or younger ones.  Kids would enjoy having their own individual white boards to hold up.

2.  Each child should have a large size KJV Bible if very young.

3.  For adult study I compile all my KJV and NKJ Bibles to use.  I also use a number of other resources, and online sources as well.  Click on the videos/online sites in the lessons for easy to access psalm resources! 

Answers to Quiz:  1. OT 2. Book of Praises 3. 19th 4. six 5. 117 6. six 7. Ps. 8. Pss. 9. Proverbs 10. superscription 11. Jeremiah 12. Samuel 

Be sure to click on all photographs to enlarge them! 

Lesson 1:  Psalm 1 and Psalm 150- The First and Last Psalms

Psalm One Stats:  Book I:  Psalm 1-41 # of Vv. 6  Superscription: None   In each Psalm lesson the abbreviation for one verse is V. whereas the abbreviation for more than one verse is Vv.!       

First Verse:  Psalm 1:1:   "Blessed (happy) is the man that walked not in the counsel of the ungodly, nor standeth in the way of sinners, nor sitteth in the seat of the scornful."

Last Verse:  Psalm 1:6:  "For the LORD knoweth the way of the righteous: but the way of the ungodly shall perish."

Psalm One: Unscramble Vocabulary Words:

Cross off word as you find them:  blessed--walketh--delight--scornful--ungodly--sinners--prosper--perish--righteous-chaff--meditate-knoweth       

1,  ethwalk   2.  debless   3.  lighted   4. dimetate   5.  godlyun   6.  affch    7.  sinnres   8.  perpros

9.  teousright   10.  fulscorn   11. ishper   12.  ethknow 

Answers:  At end of lesson.

Search It: Dot the Not, and the Nors:  Psalm 1:1 has three things a blessed or happy man should not do:  walk in the counsel or advice of the ungodly, stand in the way of sinners, or sit or hang out with the scornful or mockers.  Underline the three verbs.  Which three words describe the kinds of people one should avoid? 

Delightful Day n' Night Meditation:  Psalm 1:2 declares the happy man will delight or take pleasure in reading and meditating in God's word or law.  I like that word "delight" don't you?  Kids/adults will enjoy making a simple "Delight" illustration with outline letters.  Inside the uppercase D make a smiling person.  In the rest of the lowercase letters make happy faces.  Then, check out these five Ps.119:24,77,92,143, and 174 "delight" verses!  

Psalm 1: Verses One and Two 

Vv. one and two are verses for you to write, recite, and delight in!

So let's do it!  Here are the Vvs.  "Blessed is the man that walked not in the counsel of the ungodly, nor standeth in the way of sinners, nor sitteth in the seat of the scornful.  But his delight is in the law of the LORD, and his law doth he meditate day and night."    

Discuss It: By the way exactly what is meditation?  Click on this Learn to Discern Granny page: for a description of Bible meditation as opposed to worldly meditation for is filling one's mind, and the other is emptying one's mind.  Which kind should one not do?  Which is scriptural? 

Learn to Discern Granny: ABC: Bible Meditation for Me!: B Is for Breath! (whputnam00.blogspot.com)  This article "ABC: Bible Meditation for Me!: B Is for Breath!" is part of a series.  See how it relates to Ps.150!!

Draw It:  The righteous man is like a well-watered tree that has much fruit on it, and whose leaves don't shrivel or wither up.  On the other hand, the ungodly man is like the seed leftovers called chaff that the wind blows away.  Draw tree, and dots or bits of chaff flying away in the breeze.  Say which are you like?

Tell It!  The Which Path or Road Psalm n' The Broad n' Narrow Road Portrait:    

The date was the last Saturday in January in the mid 1950s. The event was the annual Sunday School Program held in the "Red Room" at the Gospel Hall Home* in Longport, New Jersey. The children in the program were the Chelsea Heights, NJ Sunday School kids that met every week at 1PM Sunday with classes in every room of our little bungalow.  It was there in our home led by my parents that we'd carefully practiced our verses, psalms, and pieces.  

It was on this special night that dad would hire a bus to take us kids, parents, and visitors down to Longport.  Eagerly we all awaited that evening when the bus would pull up in front of our home.  Often its driver would be dad's jolly Christian friend and co-worker Razzi.

Onto the bus would be loaded boxes of goodies especially purchased and prepared for each child. In the boxes were white tissue paper wrapped gifts with red gummed name stickers on them.  Inside were Bibles, Christian books, or Bible verse wall texts.  Besides these Sunday School gifts there were personal gifts for each youngster -- a small toy, color book, or other like gifts.  Loaded onto the bus as well were boxes of homemade cookies and brownies plus other cartons of program props and signs.  

By the time the bus was ready kids, and their parents and visitors began appearing all dressed in their very best.  Once all were on board dad would pray, and off we'd go on the half hour ride to the end of the island near the ocean at Longport.  Here everyone would troop off the bus and up the steps into the Home.  Soon the red meeting room was packed to the gills, and the program would begin.  Excitement ran high for at the end all would receive the gifts and refreshments. But before the food could be eaten, or the gifts opened the children would say their pieces, and verses.  Afterwards a visiting preacher would give a clear gospel message.         

It was on a night like this that I stood before the audience to recite Psalm 1--just six verses--but verses so pivotal they would make a lasting impression and impact on my life.  For you see down in the Home's dark basement library where I often played hung a portrait of the board way, and the narrow way taken from the gospels, much like the roads named in Psalm one.  And whenever I looked at that portrait it gave me pause.  So along with the Psalms learned, the Scriptures memorized, and the forever remembered painting soon thereafter I at nine in the Home's new, but not red, airy auditorium, trusted Jesus as my Savior and now was on the path known as the narrow way-the Jesus way!

*Home for Aged Christians known as the Longport Gospel Hall Home that had a church also meeting there.             

The "Two Paths to Consider" Chart:  On P. 911 The Word in Life Study Bible (Thomas Nelson, Inc. 1993,1996) has a terrific chart that sums up Psalm one with its opposite choices each of us must make--which way should we go, whom should we hang out with, and what is the way to have a happy life.    

Which Path Will You Choose? Psalm Con-verse-sation:  Using this photo from above Bible chart discuss with your listeners the two ways named in Psalm one.  Ask which way or path is the best choice? Now. the portrait I viewed in that old library was indeed graphic, but one not forgotten by me to this day.  Truly a picture, as the old saying goes, is worth more than a thousand words.  Such old images still exist online, and if you wish share one with your listeners. 

Psalm One Stat Mat:  Use a table mat, music sticker background, and various Psalm statistics strips to describe the number of verses, book number of Psalm, and so on.  See photo below.   Recall that there are five major books in the Psalms:  Book I: Psalm 1-41; Book II: 42-72; Book III: 73-89; Book IV: 90-106; and Book V: 107-150.  These Books or divisions are indicated with Roman Numerals.  Lighthouse Trails carries a "Books of the Bible" Color book (Colouring Book No.4 from the Trinitarian Bible Society of London.)  Order it here: 

Books of the Bible Coloring Book 4 - Outline Texts (lighthousetrails.com)

Psalm One Chat Mat:  Use a second mat to show parts of the Psalm, and things you'd like the listener to recall.  The Verse Conversation or Con-verse-sation you will share will be the verse two verses plus the chart from the The Word IN Life Bible (see photo).

Answers: 1. walketh 2. blessed 3. delight 4. meditate 5. ungodly 6. chaff 7. sinners 8. prosper 9. righteous 10. scornful 11. perish 12. knoweth


Psalm 150 Stats:  The Last Psalm:  Book V: Ps.107-150   # of Verses: 6   Superscription:  none:  The Final Hallel Psalm 

First Verse:  "Praise ye the LORD.  Praise God in his sanctuary:  praise him in the firmament of this power."

Final Verse:  "Let everything that hath breath praise the LORD, Praise ye the LORD."  

The Doxology Psalm:  Known as "The Doxology Psalm" this 150th. Psalm is a resounding finish to the entire Psalter.  

What's a Doxology?  Meriam Webster says a doxology is a liturgical expression of praise to God. Often  many sing "Praise God From Whom All Blessings Flow" every week at their church.  In my denomination this song wasn't used like this, but at the end of celebrations often we'd all stand and enthusiastically sing it.  Do you sing it at your church?  What word is sung at the very end?  

Kids' Psalm 150 Investigation:  Prepare a sheet of activities revolving round counting/examining various parts of the Psalm.  Let kids find Psalm 150.  Write the page number when found.  Next, count by 10s to reach 150.  

Circle all the "praise words." How many did you find.  Do the same for "praise him." How many times does "praise" occur in every verse?  Count the specific instruments.  How many do you notice?  Which isn't an instrument?  Which instrument is named twice?  

Find the four doxologies after Book I-IV.  Write the Roman Numerals I-V.  Turn to each scripture doxology given here compare and what does each one have?   Book I: Psalm 41:13; Book II: Psalm 72:18-20; Book III: Psalm 89:52; Book IV: Psalm 106:48; and Book V: Psalm 150. 

Book I: Psalm 41:13 "Blessed be the LORD God of Israel from everlasting, and to everlasting.  Amen and Amen."

Book II:  Psalm 72:18-20 Blessed be the LORD God of Israel, who only doeth wondrous things.  And blessed be his glorious name for ever: and let the whole earth be filled with his glory. Amen and Amen.  The prayers of David the son of Jesse are ended."

Book III:  Psalm 89:52 "Blessed be the LORD for evermore.  Amen and Amen."

Book IV:  Psalm 106:48 "Blessed be the LORD God of Israel from everlasting to everlasting: and let all the people say, Amen.  Praise the LORD."

Book V:  The entire Psalm is the Doxology.    

Lastly, research the famous "Praise God from Whom All Blessings Flow" author, and story.  Older kids and adults hear the story here from Worship 101:  "The Doxology Hymn Story with Lyrics-The Story Behind the Hymn-Thomas Ken."  Click to listen: 

     The Doxology Hymn Story with Lyrics - Story Behind the Hymn - Thomas Ken (youtube.com)     

A Psalm Activity Poem to Enjoy 

Praise God in His Sanctuary!            

Praise God in his sanctuary, and under his firmament* wide,

Praise him in the morning when you are outside,

Praise him with instruments as a trumpet** loud.

Praise him everybody; join our praise crowd.

Praise him, O, praise him, to him your praises bring,

Praise him, O, praise him, worship the King!


"Let every thing that hath breath, praise the LORD.  

Praise ye the LORD!"  (Psalm 150:6)

* Firmament-heavens or expanse of sky.                                      

** Blow a toy trumpet.  Ring a hand bell.  

Shake a tambourine. Beat a drum.   Bang cymbals.

Psalm 150 Stat Mat Project:

Needed:  table place mat, music stickers, statistics as Ps. number, # of verses, # of Selahs, first/last verse references, vocabulary words as "doxology," Book # in which Psalm is found, and so on.

View Psalm 150 Photo here:

A mat such as this can be left on a table for a few days as a specific Psalm is studied, and other items can be added to it as each is studied.  Another example might be the sections or parts of a Psalm.  Even illustrations might be added: as pic of a Bible time instrument.  What other things will you add? 

Coming Next:  From this point on the lessons will be individual lessons each having a Stat Mat and a Chat Mat plus other relevant online resources.  The next lesson will be "A Mighty Mini Psalm" (Ps.117) This will be followed by a "A Not to Be Forgotten Maxi Psalm" (Ps.119) Don't miss them!      














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