Saturday, July 20, 2024

Psalm Two: An Often-Quoted Psalm in the New Testament

Psalm Two:  An Often-Quoted Psalm in the New Testament

Did you know that Psalm two is often quoted in the New Testament?  Now, I really hadn't realized how many times Psalm two was referenced until I decided to search through the entire NT noting which Psalms were mentioned throughout its pages.  Right away Psalm Two seemed to stand out.  Not only was it in the gospels, but from Acts to Revelation as well.  To find out more let's dive into its Psalm Statistics.  


Psalm 2 Stats:  Book I:  Royal or Messianic Psalm: Psalm 2 Refs.: Acts 4:25-27: # of Verses: 12 (Click on photo to enlarge!)

First, Second Verses:  Its very first verse starts with a question:  "Why do the heathen (nations) rage, and the people imagine a vain thing?"   It's second verse reads, "The kings of the earth set themselves, and the rulers take counsel together against his Anointed, saying ...." 

Final Verse:  "Kiss the Son, lest he be angry, and ye perish from the way, when his wrath be kindled but a little.  Blessed are all they that put their trust in him." 


Who Is the Heathen? Verse one asks why the heathen, or the nations are angry and imagine or plan trouble.  Verse two answers telling us that the kings of the earth and the rulers plan evil against the Lord and his anointed or the Messiah-Jesus.

Kings of Earth, &The Rulers:  These words were appropriate in the Psalmist's time, and like then they are "for such a time as this words" today!  Think about our country and others this very day.  Be ever discerning, and ever learning what is happening all around you.


A New Testament Ref to Read:  Mark 3:6 refers to Psalm 2:2. It says: "And the Pharisees went forth, and straightway took counsel (plotted) with the Herodians against him that they might destroy him."  Who is him?  Jesus


An Acts Example to Check Out:  Turn to Acts 4 to read Acts 4 aloud and some key Acts verses.  Find out how Peter and John were treated by the rulers in their day.  What was their punishment for their being bold to proclaim the gospel and to heal in Jesus' name?

Highlight Psalm: 2:1-2!  Read and highlight Acts 4:25,26 which is almost all in caps in my Bible denoting it's being quoted from the OT.  The verses say:  "Who by the mouth of thy servant David hast said, WHY DID THE HEATHEN RAGE, AND THE PEOPLE IMAGINE VAIN THINGS?  THE KINGS OF THE EARTH STOOD UP, AND THE RULERS WERE GATHERED TOGETHER AGAINST HIS CHRIST."


A Challenge:  Search the NT Scriptures to uncover which Psalms are quoted by Jesus in the gospels, and by other NT writers.  Which ones are used the most?  What did you discover doing this?   Older kids can do this, while younger ones can count and look at a chart of your findings.  See to it they have a Bible with a center reference area or areas just below the verses.  Contrast versions with references, and those without them--show the children.  For example, I purchased a KJV girls' Bible, but sadly it had no references but did have a good dictionary-concordance.


Do begin early teaching your youngsters how to use the middle of the page reference area, or references below the verses.  It's a skill often neglected but pays great dividends seeing the continuity of the Scriptures!  Try it!  I have met so many Christians who desire only a few minutes of someone else's devotionals!  Acts 17:11 reminds us to: "search the scriptures daily." 


An Advocate for Truth: The "I Know God" Man

John Amanchukwu whose Nigerian surname means "I know God," is a writer, pastor, and advocate for truth who takes a stand against organizations/school systems that use materials that should never be read by youth comments regarding Psalm 2:1-3, 12 in his recent work Hoodwinked this way:  "In case you haven't been paying attention, this is where we are right now, The nations, the culture, and the elite among us--they're all raging against the Lord.  And many who claim the name of Christ are joining in through their affirmation of sin and celebration that breaks Heaven's heart. ...."  He continues, "... I hope you have chosen to take refuge in Him.  ... we need men and women who love the Lord to stand firmly for truth, to push back against lies, and to be willing to suffer for truth if need be."  (P.157) 


Bill Randles & His Psalm 2 Phrase

The late Pastor Bill Randles was an all-about-the-word-man who loved Scripture.  What a gifted godly preacher he was!  Often, he'd quote from Psalm 2 especially the phrase: "the kings of the earth and the rulers."  In fact, one of his last recorded sermons touches on it.


In addition, he wrote books and articles.  One article "The Fate of the Nations--Then and Now" ("Lighthouse Trails Research Journal"-Volume 1-Spring 2020) not only expounded on Psalm 9 but he concluded once more recalling "the kings of the earth and the rulers" from Psalm 2.  The Fate of the Nations—Then and Now (Psalm 9) - Lighthouse Trails Research Project

And we have only to look around us to see our current kings and rulers and their followers are much like those named in both Psalm 2 and 9.  The Bible, however, shows us that the Lord is our King of Kings, and Lord of Lords, who in the end will judge them.  Therefore, let us pray for those in authority, for our country, and for all of its leaders that some may turn and come to know the Lord Jesus.  May we recall Psalm 9:20 which states:  "Put them in fear, O LORD, that the nations may know themselves to be but men."


A PSALM Con-verse-sation:  Just how might one use the phrase "the kings of the earth, and the rulers" in a "con-verse-sation?"  If speaking with youth you might show current leaders' photos and discuss the fact that regardless of what they do like the elite of the Psalmist's Day in a future day all rulers will answer to the Lord of Lords, and King of Kings.  May we submit to the Lord's authority, and as Psalm 2:12 says, "... Blessed are all they that put their trust in him."

View the "Stat and Chat Mat Photos here:

Psalm Stat Mat:  Psalm Statistics:  Psalm 2, Book #, # of verses, type of Psalm, and so on.  Notice Psalm 2 has no superscription, but two Acts refs reveal its author and quotes directly from the OT.

Psalm Chat Mat Hints:  Conversation about the Psalm's contents, conclusions, and relevance to us today.  Here is the opportunity to have a book, photos, small item, mag article, booklet, map, etc. pertaining to the Psalm to share with your listeners.  If you have a homeschooling family or Christian classroom others can contribute drawings, or other articles.  Recall the teeny tiny present from Psalm 117 the shortest Psalm, or the flashlight from Psalm 119.  Also include at least one applicable NT reference!  Do notice the insert with the greater than symbol from Amanchukwu's cover that reminds us that God is greater than government! 


Penny's Favorite Saying!  Penny lived in Pilot Mountain, N.C. with a clear view of Pilot Mt.'s famed knob.  Always she was kind, consistent, and trustworthy.   As she grew older, she began to earnestly read her Bible.  At ninety-nine she joined me in reading Jeremiah as I wrote my blog lessons.   During each and every letter and phone call she'd repeat to me:  "The Lord's in charge!"  Yes, He is!  He's sovereign!  He reigns!  

Click on photos to enlarge!!!











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