Appendix for ABC: Bible Meditation Verses for Ages 3-6
Introduction: These shortened verses include: hats, add-on pieces, motions, and a reflection selection word/phrase to know. These verses are designed to teach little ones the difference between reciting the verse and thinking about it.
A Is for Affirmation:
"I will praise thee; (Raise hands.)
for I am fearfully and
wonderfully made." (Raise voice; point to self.)
Make Hat: Cut two strips of construction paper 12"X2". Staple together. To strip add words, stickers, cutouts, and so on. Work on each hat while flat; then put round child's head, measure, and staple.
Add on pieces for Aa: Write
"I am" add
child's photo,
"fearfully and wonderfully made."
Ps. 139:14 To decorate glue some
shapes on each side as circles, squares, or triangles.
Meditation Recitation: Put on hat.
Say: " Stand on your feet, to repeat." Repeat verse aloud.
Selection Reflection:
Say: "Sit in your seat. Don't neglect to reflect." Think/meditate on" wonderfully made."
Everyone pause briefly to think about the word/phrase selected. Ask: "What does "
wonderfully made" mean?" Talk about it.
B is for Breath:
"Let every thing (Point all around)
that hath breath (Point to lips.)
praise the LORD." (Raise hands; moving them as say PTL!)
Ps. 150:6
Hat/Pieces: Make hat strip. Add: Glue on large "P.T.L.!" at center; may use large stickers. Fit; staple.
Put on hat. Recite; stand, move. Reflect; sit, pause, talk. What does "
PTL!" mean?
C Is for Calm:
"I will both lay me down in peace, and sleep: (Lay on floor; curl up; snore!)
for thou, LORD, only makest me dwell in safety." (Say quietly, happily.)
Hat/Pieces: Make hat strip. Print big Z's across strip. Print verse strip one per child. Center verse on strip; and glue on over Zs. Put on hat. Recite; reflect. What does
"peace" mean?
D Is for Discern:
"... the word (Put two hands together palms up to make "Bible.")
is very nigh thee in thy mouth (Point to lips.)
and in thy heart (Hands over heart)
that thou mayest
do it!" (Shake index finger!)
Hat/Pieces: Write "Do It!" in hat center. Glue on small mouth and heart shapes in a pattern on either side of "Do It!" Put on hat. Recite; reflect. What does
"Do it!" mean?
E Is for Emotions:
"My meditation of him (Point to head)
shall be s-w-e-e-t: (Spell out s-w-e-e-t; say sweet!)
I will be glad (Smile; trace lips.)
in the LORD." (Point up!)
Hat: Pieces: Draw "happy or glad" faces across the hat strip. Print out verse on computer strip; glue to center over happy faces. Put on hat. Recite; reflect. What word tells how you feel?
F Is for Focus:
"Look unto me, and be ye saved (Point index finger up.)
all the ends of the earth: (Spread arms wide.)
for I am God, and there (Make two fists; shake.)
is none else."
Isaiah 45:22
Hat Pieces: Draw crosses across hat; print out "Look unto me and be ye saved …." Put on hat. Recite; reflect. What does "
there is none else" mean?
G Is for Grounded:
"... his delight is in the law of the LORD; (Smile; hands together palms up.)
… and in his law doth he meditate (Hands together; palms up for "Bible.")
day and night." (Point to head.)
Hat Pieces: Make one strip blue for "day;" other "black" for night. Staple together. On blue side draw or glue on sun; on black side draw or glue on moon and stars. Print word: "Meditate!" Glue on so centered with half on blue side and the other half on black side. Recite; reflect. What does "
meditate day and night" mean?
H Is for Heart:
"Let the words of my mouth, (Point to mouth)
and the meditation of my heart, (Point to self.)
be acceptable in thy sight, (Raise voice.)
O LORD …." ( Point up.)
Ps. 19:14
Hat Pieces: Print out "Acceptable!" Glue to hat center. To sides glue alternate mouth/heart cutouts.
Recite; reflect. "What does "
be acceptable" mean?
I Is for Instruction:
"Give instruction to a wise man, (Point to self.)
and he will be yet wiser: …." (Raise voice on "wiser.")
Prov. 9:9
Hat Pieces: Print large separate pieces: Be, a, wise, boy!, girl!, Proverbs 9:9. Let children glue on: "Be a wise girl/ boy!" and reference. Recite; reflect. What does "
instruction" and "
wise" mean?
J Is for Judgment:
"Teach me g-o-o-d judgment (Point to self; spell good.)
and knowledge:
for I have believed thy (Point to self; Hand together palms up
commandments." for "Bible.")
Ps. 119:66
Hat Pieces: Print large separate pieces: Teach, me, g-o-o-d, judgment!, Ps.119:66. Let children glue on separate pieces in order. Add Bible stickers to either side. Recite; reflect. What does "
good judgment" and "
good knowledge" mean?
K Is for Knowledge :
" … grow in grace (Spread arms wide.)
and in the knowledge
of our Lord Jesus Christ." (Point up.)
II Peter 3:18
Hat Pieces: Write GROW! in big letters across center. On each side put Bible stickers. Recite;
reflect. Who gives us "
grace and knowledge?"
L Is for Lift Up:
"My hands will I lift up (Lift up both hands.)
unto thy commandments …
and I will meditate in thy (Put hands to head.)
Psalm 119:48
Hat/Pieces: Lay hat strip on table; find center. Draw two lines for child's wrist for each hand; draw just a little bit apart. Trace child's left/right hands; cut out. Glue/tape to wrist area front of hat. Print out verse strip: "My hands will I lift up/ unto thy commandments …. Ps.119:48" Glue half of verse strip "My ---lift up" to left of hands, and "unto --Ps.119:48" to right side of hands. Recite; reflect.
Where do we find God's "
commandments and statues?"
M Is for Muse:
"... I meditate on all thy works; (Touch head; point round self.)
I muse on the works of thy hands." (Touch head; point round self.)
Ps. 143:5
Hat/Pieces. Print out "I Choose to Muse!" Center, and glue to hat strip. On either side print: "Think, think!" Recite; reflect. What does "
muse" mean?
N Is for Namaste:
"Who can say, (Hands out to side; palms open.)
I have made my heart (Hands over heart.)
Prov. 20:9
Hat/Pieces: Print out "Who?" plus several big questions marks. Cut apart. Glue "Who?" to hat center and big questions marks to either side. Recite; reflect. Who can make their own "
heart clean?" Who takes away our sins?
O Is for Out of:
"... It is written, (Make open hand Bible.)
LIVE BY BREAD ALONE, (Shake head.)
BUT BY EVERY WORD (Point up; shake finger.)
Matt. 4:4
Hat/Pieces: Print out: "It is written …" strip; glue to center of hat strip. Fold small 'Bible' papers to glue back side so open up. Glue several little open-up 'books" to either side of "It is written …"
strip. Inside little 'Bibles' print Matt. 4:4. Recite; reflect. Where is our verse "
written?" Whose words are in the Bible?
P Is for Present:
"... Consider it in thine heart (Point to head.)
that the LORD he is God (Point up.)
in heaven above, and in the (Point down.)
earth beneath: there is none (Shake head.)
Deut. 4:39
Hat/Pieces: Print out: "Consider it!" strip. Glue to center of hat. Write "think" and "meditate" on several "Post-It Notes." Stick on either side of the "Consider it!" strip. Recite; reflect. What word means "think about" or "meditate on?"
Q Is for Quiet:
"Stand in awe and sin not: (Shake head.)
Commune with your own heart (Point to head.)
upon your bed, and be still." (Finger to lips.)
Ps. 4:4
Hat/Pieces: Provide oversized Q for center of hat. Glue to center. Print out strip: "Commune with your own heart/ … and be still. Ps.4:4" Cut strip so "Commune … heart" half is to left of the Q and to right is "...and be still. Ps.4:4." Recite; reflect. What does "
commune" mean?
Q Is for Quiet!*
When in bed
if you're mad,
be quiet and still
until you think
about it!
* Not in document
lesson. Helps explain
R Is for Ruminate:
"How precious also (Point up.)
are thy thoughts
unto me, O God! (Point to self.)
How great is the (Raise voice.)
sum of them." (Expand arms.)
Ps. 139:17
Hat/Pieces: Across hat strip write different colored "+" signs. Explain "plus" means a lot of thoughts. Print a verse strip for hat; center and glue on over plus signs. Recite; reflect.
What does "
how great is the sum of them" mean?
R Is for Rumination*
R is for rumination
that's not done in
mindfulness meditation,
for instead they're taught
to dismiss each
distracting thought!
* Should be added to "Eastern
Meditation" section of R Lesson.
S Is for Sun:
"Give ear to my words, O LORD, (Point to lips.)
consider my meditation. (Hands on head.)
… in the morning will I direct my (Fold hands.)
prayer unto thee, and will look up." (Keep hands folded; look upward.)
Ps. 5:1,3
Hat/Pieces: Use blue paper for hat strip. To center bottom glue yellow half circle for a "rising" sun. Around it glue small yellow, red, and orange paper strip rays. Print out: "Give ear to my words, O LORD, consider my meditation." Glue to hat top over sun. Recite/reflect. When did David pray and meditate?
T Is for Thoughts:
"I thought on my ways, (Hands on head; march in place.)
and turned my feet (Turn left; repeat line turn right)
unto thy testimonies." (Make hand "Bible.") (Yell: "Turn
Ps. 119:59 to the Word!"
Hat/Pieces: Print off a picture of a Bible, or let children draw one. Glue to middle of the hat strip.
Cut short paper strips some for arrow top/stick. Allow kids to glue strips to form arrows to left and right of "Bible" pointing toward it. Print verse in small print. Cut strip in half after "feet." Glue
verse strip to left of "Bible;" and glue rest of verse to the right. Recite; reflect. What does "
thy testimonies" mean? What book should we turn toward?
U Is for Understanding:
"My mouth shall speak of (Make a "W" placing two thumbs
wisdom; and the meditation together; and extending out index fingers.)
of my heart shall be of (Make a "U" by covering one thumb
understanding." over the other; bringing fingers together.)
Ps. 49:3
Hat/Pieces: Print off entire verse; center and glue to hat strip. To sides glue on mouth and heart cutouts. Recite/reflect. What does "
understanding" mean?
V Is for Verses:
"Whatsoever things are true, (Shake index finger.)
whatsoever things are honest, (Shake finger again.)
,,, think on these things." (Tap head with fingers four times.)
Phil. 4:8
Hat/Pieces: Cut oversized T. O. T.T. letters or use larger stickers. In center glue letters for "think on these things" verse. To the right write true once or twice, and to left write honest the same amount of times; or stick on printed word strips. Recite; reflect. What things should we think of?
W Is for Well Doing:
"... Let us not be weary in well doing (Shake head.)
… as we have … opportunity, (Raise voice on "opportunity.")
let us do good unto all men...." (Point to others.)
Gal. 6:9-10
Hat/Pieces: Print: "Let us do good unto all men …." Glue strip to center. To sides glue pictures of different people cut from magazines. What does "
well doing" mean? Who do we want to do good to?
X Is For X-tra/X-out:
"I will not forget thy word."
(Move hand "Bible" up and
Ps. 119:16 as you say verse.)
Hat/Pieces: Print verse strip; stick to center of hat strip. To each side write X-out or print strips to glue on. Recite; reflect. What is another word for "
Y Is for Yoga:
"Thou art my trust from my youth."
Ps. 71:5
Hat/Pieces: Print verse strip; cut words apart. Mix up. Let kids glue it on in order. Add decorative lines to sides of verse. Recite; reflect. Who is our "
trust" from our youth?
Z Is for Zeal:
"O how love I thy law! (Raise voice; say with passion! )
It is my meditation all (Make hand "Bible.")
the day."
Ps. 119:97
Print out "O how love I thy law! three times. Glue onto hat. If child can write it (K, 1st) let them do it three times. Explain if one has zeal we feel really excited about something. What was the Psalmist's meditation "
all the day?" What did he say?