Glossary for ABC: Bible Meditation for Me!
Glossary for ABC: Bible Meditation for Me!: Bible Meditation Vs. Eastern MeditationAffirmation: an act of saying something is true
Sentence: Affirmations often begin with "I" or "I am."
Breath: air taken in or sent out by the lungs
Sentence: I can feel my breath.
Calm: a quiet and peaceful state
Sentence: Bible meditation can make one calm.
Discern: to see, recognize, or understand something
Sentence: It is a good thing to learn to discern what danger symbols mean.
Emotions: strong feelings as anger, love, joy, fear often accompanied with emotional reactions
Sentence: Psalm 119:47 says: "I will delight myself in thy commandments, which I have loved."
Focus: direct or cause to direct at
Sentence: In mindfulness one focuses attention on one's breath.
Grounded: based on, founded upon
Sentence: I must be grounded in God's word, not grounded in the earth.
Heart: center of feelings
Sentence: The heart is the place where emotions, desires, and thoughts are found.
Instruction: the act or practice of teaching
Sentence: We should pay attention to God's instruction book --the Bible!
Judgment: the ability for reaching a decision after careful consideration
Sentence: While God tells us to judge between right and wrong, some tell us not to
make any judgments at all.
Knowledge: what is known
Sentence: The Bible helps us grow in the knowledge of the Lord Jesus Christ.
Lift Up: to raise from a lower to higher position
Sentence: I can lift up my hands to praise the Lord.
Muse: to think about something carefully
Sentence: I mused about God's amazing creation.
Namaste: Hindu greeting that means "the god in me greets the god in you"
Sentence. Yoga classes begin and end with Namaste.
Out of: from the inside to the outside
Sentence: When people do yoga meditation sounds or chants often come out of one's mouth.
Present: not past or future: now going on
Sentence: Mindfulness meditation tells you to not think of the future or the past, but to notice what is happening in the present.
Quiet: the quality or state of being calm with out noise
Sentence: Mindfulness tells children to get quiet, be still, and sit comfortably.
Ruminate: to think carefully and deeply
Sentence: I reflected and ruminated on my Bible verse.
Sun: the heavenly body God created that gives us light
Sentence: God warned us not to worship the sun, but to praise and worship Him.
Thoughts: ideas formed in the mind
Sentence: Mindfulness tells us to not notice our thoughts, but let them go.
Understanding: ability to get the meaning of, and judge
Sentence: King Solomon asked God for an "understanding heart" so he could wisely judge the people.
Verses: one of the short parts of a chapter in the Bible
Sentence: ABC: Bible Meditation for Me! has many Bible verses to meditate on and to memorize.
Well Doing: doing right
Sentence: Galatians tells us we should never get tired of well doing or doing good things for others.
X-tra/ X-out: add and subtract
Sentence: God's word tells us not to add x-tra words to it, or to subtract or x-out out words from it.
Yoga: Sanskrit word that means to yoke with the divine or Brahman
Sentence: In yoga people practice poses that have to with the Hindu gods.
Zeal: eager desire to get something done or see something succeed
Sentence: If you have great zeal or are zealous for the Lord Jesus you will want to tell others about Him.
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