ABC: Deuteronomy for Me! Glossary of Poems and Action Rhymes
Here are sixty poems/rhymes I've written found in the twenty-six ABC lessons. Notice after the poem/rhyme title is a letter in parenthesis. That is the lesson letter where that poem or rhyme can be found. e.g. "A Caleb Kid's Motto" can be found in lesson " H Is for Hear It!" In each lesson there are other ideas on how to use the poems, and related stories, songs, videos, projects, and verses. To go to the lesson click below the poems having that particular letter.
Caleb Poems/Rhymes
A Caleb Kid's Motto (H)
I want to be a Caleb kid,
dutiful, diligent, vigilant,
obedient, a writer and reciter
of God's Word!
Caleb Did! (S)
Caleb did obey.
He did what the Lord bid.
He wholly followed the Lord.
Caleb did! Do you?
The Twelve Spy Guys (S)
Action Rhyme
"Get ready, get set," Moses did say,
"Enter the land, do it today!"
(Wag finger; say forcefully.)
The people replied, "Make us a plan;
give us spy guys to search out the land.
(Peek through finger circles.)
So Moses chose twelve
who searched to see,
what the land would turn out to be.
(Hold up ten fingers, then two fingers.)
Back at home, the ten did share the
land was good, but had giants there.
(Stand on tip toes; reach arms up.)
But Caleb n' Joshua both did say,
"We can do it. Let's go in today."
(Say happily.)
Then the ten did murmur and complain,
"We'd rather go back to Egypt again."
(Say sadly,)
Provoked and angered God did reply,
"Because of your sin in this land
you will die!"
(Raise voice!)
"Only Caleb and Joshua the land will see,
because they have wholly followed me!"
(Point up.)
From Numbers 13,14, Deuteronomy 1
Caleb Was Courageous, Caleb Was Strong! (Z)
Caleb was courageous, Caleb was strong,
Caleb was steady all his life long,
Caleb was an overcomer, an encourager too,
Caleb was faithful, Caleb was true,
Caleb was a winner who wholly obeyed
making him steadfast and unafraid.
Caleb was a conqueror, of whom Scripture records
Caleb fully and faithfully followed his Lord.
Yes, Caleb was given some land to possess,
defeating his enemies with great success!
The Bible (A)
The Old Testament
(Left palm up.)
and New Testament
(Right palm up.)
are parts one and two
(Shake each palm.)
that make up our Bible--
(Bring palms together.)
God's word so true!
(Lift 'Bible' above head.)
Yes, We Should! (A)
We should abhor evil
because that's bad.
(Say decisively.)
Yes, we should!
(Wag finger.)
We should stick to
that which is good!
(Emphasize good.)
Yes, we should!
(Wag finger.)
Don't Be Snared! (A)
If you find yourself
in a snare,
Don't go there!
Instead, you should
avoid evil and
cleave to the good!
Bless Who? (B)
Bless who?
The Jewish people.
Honor who?
The Jewish people.
Pray for who?
The Jewish people.
This do, for God says:
"Pray for the peace
of Jerusalem!"*
*Last line: Ps.122:6
Have Israel's Blessings (B)
Gone Away?
Have Israel's blessings gone away
to be given to the church today?
No, no, no! They never did!
As Romans declares, "God forbid!"
Respect Elderly Parents! (C)
Respect elderly parents.
Honor them.
Don't neglect them.
Don't reject them.
YOU respect them.
It's the godly thing to do!
The Ten Rules Rhyme (C)
Hey, hey, we've begun. Can you say rule number one?
"Thou shalt have no other gods before me."
Hey, hey, you and you. Can you say rule number two?
"Thou shalt not make unto thee any graven image."
Hey, hey, look at me. Can you say rule number three?
"Thou shalt not take the name of the LORD thy God in vain."
Hey, hey, let's say more. Can you say rule number four?
"Remember the sabbath day to keep it holy."
Hey, hey, look alive. Can you say rule number five?
"Honour thy father and thy mother: that thy days may be
long upon the land which the LORD thy God giveth thee."
Hey, hey, your lips fix. Can you say rule number six?
"Thou shalt not kill."
Hey, hey, look toward heaven. Can you say rule number seven?
"Thou shalt not commit adultery."
Hey, hey, please don't wait. Can you say rule number eight?
"Thou shalt not steal."
Hey, hey, you look fine. Can you say rule number nine?
"Thou shalt not bear false witness against thy neighbor."
Hey, hey, it's the end. Can you say rule number ten?
"Thou shalt not covet." From Exodus 20 Questions: LEP
The Ten Commandments Poem (C)
Ready, set, say: "The Ten Commandments with me today.'
"Thou shalt have no other gods before me." Not one!*
"Thou shalt not make unto thee any graven image." None!
"Thou shalt not take the name of the LORD thy God in vain." Never!
"Remember the sabbath day, to keep it holy." Forever!
"Honour your father and your mother." Say, "I will!"
"Thou shalt not kill." Say, "I won't!"
"Thou shalt not commit adultery." Don't!
"Thou shalt not steal." Say, "No deal!"
"Thou shalt not bear false witness against thy neighbor!" Do not!
"Thou shalt not covet!" Anything he's got!
Ten rules, that's the end, can you say them once again? Exodus 20
Endings: LEP
Recall This Fact! (C)
Recall this fact!
Don't add or subtract
from God's word,
but leave it intact!
D Is for Do It! (D)
D is for do it,
should do, shall do,
do so, do no,
can do too,
do this, do that,
to name a few,
do them, do after,
do all, do ye,
so many dos in
God's Word (D)
God's word
isn't far off. No!
(Shake head.)
God's word isn't
high or low,
(Point up, down.)
God's word is
very near
in your mouth,
and heart--
right here.
(Point to mouth,
(Say loudly.)
From Deut. 30:12-14
Do This, Do That! (D)
All through Deuteronomy
Moses did say,
"Do this, do that, listen,
"Do this, do that, listen,
Fear Not! (F)
If you're afraid of the battle,
fear not!
If you're afraid of the enemy,
fear not!
If you're faint-hearted and jittery,
fear not!
If you're scared to assemble,
fear not!
If you begin to tremble,
fear not!
For the Lord your God will
fight for you, so fear not!
From Deuteronomy 20:3-4
G-o-o-d Spells Good (G)
G-o-o-d spells good,
L-a-n-d spells land,
S-h-o-u-l-d spells should,
When you get to
the good land
you should b-l-e-s-s
the Lord!
From Deuteronomy 8:10
Bless the Lord! (G)
When you've multiplied and your needs
have been supplied,
then bless the Lord for the good land
He hath given you, and say thanks!
Don't forget!
When you've gotten wealth and have
good health,
then bless the Lord for the good land
He hath given you, and say thanks!
Don't forget!
From Deuteronomy 8
An Itty Bitty Word (H)
In the Bible there's
an itty-bitty word
you mustn't miss
and that itty-bitty
word is this, this,
In the Bible there's
an itty-bitty word
you mustn't miss
and that itty-bitty
word is this, this,
G Is for God Calling (H)
G is for God Calling
a book title to know
from which Jesus Calling
began to flow.
C Is for Channeling
C is for channeling
a practice you'll find
inserts deceiving thoughts
into one's mind.
God Led the Way (I)
God led the way.
He parted the waters.
(The Jordan!)
God set the bounds.
He ordered the borders.
(Their tribe places!)
God made the plans.
He gave them their lands.
(Their inheritance!)
God leads us too.
He'll take us through!
(He promised!)
Moses Was the Judge, Moses Was the Jury (J)
Moses was the judge, Moses was the jury,
Moses was tired, and Moses was weary.
Then Jethro his father-in-law Moses did tell,
"Choose men with understanding, and wisdom
as well--to help you judge. And Moses listened!
From: Deuteronomy 1 and Exodus 18
Deuteronomy J Words (J)
Big J, little j,
What begins with Jj?
Joshua, Jeshurun, journey,
judge n' judgments too;
Judah, Jacob, Jordan--
just to name a few!
Josiah Did Right! (K)
Action Rhyme
Evil crept in.
Kings did sin.
Josiah did right
in God's sight!
Every day
he swept
evil away.
Josiah did right
in God's sight!
God's house
needed repair.
Josiah sent men
to work in there.
Josiah did right
in God's sight!
Josiah wept as
God's word
was read.
Then he obeyed
just what it said.
Josiah did right
in God's sight!
Josiah kept
all of the law.
He read it aloud
to the big
and the small.
Josiah did right
in God's sight!
Josiah did his
part turning to
God with all
his heart.
Josiah did right
in God's sight!
Detailed motions given
in lesson!
Deuteronomy K (K)
In Deuteronomy
some Kk words
that you'll see
are keep, kept, kite,
kill, know, knew,
king, kingdom, kind,
king, kingdom, kind,
Kadesh too,
Ten Kk words
that you'll find,
Yes, ten Kk words
to keep in mind!
Be a Keeper! (K)
Be a keeper:
a commandment keeper,
a do what you say keeper,
a promise keeper,
an I'll obey keeper,
a God's word keeper,
a do what's right keeper,
with all your might keeper!
Be a keeper!
Speak the Word! (M)
Speak the word,
every day of the week,
every day of the year--
speak the word
in your child's ears!
M Is for Model It (M)
M is for model it,
godly examples we,
every day as parents
must strive to be!
The Oval Table (M)
The oval table* heard
God's word read,
daily prayers said,
the family at a meal,
the things they did feel,
words of the young,
'n words of the old--
all sorts of stories
in Father's household.
* From My Father's House-
Corrie Ten Boom
The Seven Nations (N)
Action Rhyme
Seven nations all around Israel,
Seven nations ending with "ites:"
The Hittites, Gergashites, Amorites,
Canaanites, Perizzites, Hivites, and
Seven nations that did not do right,
Seven nations God's people must fight,
Seven nations all around Israel.
Seven nations named in Deuteronomy,
Seven nations filled with idolatry,
Seven nations pagan as can be,
Seven nations full of abominations,
Seven nations against God's people
Seven nations of whom God said,
"Do not be afraid!" From Deut.7*
* Find motions in the "N Is for Notice
It" Lesson.
Observe to Do It! (O)
O is for observe,
T is for to,
D is for do,
I is for it,
Observe to do it!
Do what?
Obey God today!
I Must Trust the Lord! (P)
I must not trust in my bow,
I must not trust in my sword,
I must not trust in myself,
For I must trust the Lord!*
* From Psalm 44:6,7
Be Ready! (Q)
Learn: Prepare!
Discern: Beware!
Heed: Be careful!
Read: Be prayerful!
Obey: Be steady!
Today: Be ready
always to give an
answer to all that
ask you a reason of
the hope that's in you!"*
* End of poem: From I Peter 3:15
Your Task (Q)
It's your task to ask questions,
It's your quest to test Scripture,
It's your duty to stay steady,
It's your job to be ready to
answer questions! It's Biblical!
Now Israel, What Does (Q)
the Lord Require of You?
Now Israel, what does
the Lord require today?
He desires that you:
Fear God, walk in his ways,
love God, serve him always,
n' keep God's commands
for you own good. O, Israel,
you should, yes, you should!
From: Deut.10:13,14
When Your Child (Q)
Asks a Question
When your child
asks a question
what will you say?
Will you be ready
to respond the
right way?
Therefore, today
get ready, prepare;
get into the Word
for the answers
are there!
What Mean (R)
These Stones?
What mean
these stones
that I can see?
How did they
a memorial
come to be?
Tell me!
Tell me!
Orator Man (R)
Orator Man
with megaphone
at a Gettysburg
memorial zone
telling its story;
small girl, sitting
still as a stone,
listening never
to forget Orator
Man with megaphone
Memorial Stones (R)
Memorial stones are
remembering zones,
Memorial statues are
remembering places,
where with uplifted faces
we listen to stories
told by rememberers
who remind us of the past.
Remember What God Did! (R)
At every chance
Moses did say,
"Remember what
God did yesterday
in Egypt."*
*at Horeb, Red Sea etc.
Remember! (R)
God shook the sea,
God shook the river,
They did quake,
They did quiver,
At God's command
they did obey
opening up to make
a way for his people
to cross over!
Have You Read? (R)
Have you read?
The Red Sea saw it.
The Red Sea fled.
Remember it!
God did it!
Have you read
the Scripture said
the Jordan was
driven back?
Remember it!
God did it! *
* From: Psalm 114:3
Make An Eternal Impact! (R)
Do you wish to make
an eternal impact?
Then, leave history intact.
Share its flaws, share its facts.
Share its stories, share its truths.
Discuss them with your youths.
Stone Stackers (R)
Stone stackers
infusing stones
with their prayers,
Stone stackers
clearing their mind,
stacking stones
that they find,
stone stackers
calming their mind,
stacking stones
they call divine,
Stone stackers
assembling stone stacks
here and there--beware!
Mini-Mark-Gospel (S)
Vins' treasure book
Fit the palm book,
Sewn in the shirt book,
Hidden from sight book-
Vins' treasure book
Hidden in nooks book,
Shared with murderers,
and crooks book-
Vins' treasure book
Better than gold book,
Never grow old book,
Best story told book-
*Poem about The Gospel
in Bonds story.
These My Words! (T)
Say what? These my words!
Lay up what? These my words!
Obey what? These my words!
Teach them!
Find what? These my words!
Bind what? These my words!
Mind what? These my words!
Teach them!
Write what? These my words!
Recite what? These my words!
Delight in what? These my words!
Teach them! *
*From: Deut. 11:18,19
Moses (T)
Moses: teacher, prayer, sayer
of these words: "Give ear, hear!"
Moses: speech maker, writer, reciter
of these words: "Let my teaching
fall like rain again and again."
Moses: prophet, preparer, declarer of
these words: "Proclaim the name of
the LORD; ascribe ye greatness unto
our God."*
* From Deuteronomy 32:1-3
Who Can Utter? (U)
Who can utter, who can declare
Bible words everywhere? I can!
Who can utter, who can share
Bible words everywhere? You can!
Who can utter, who can air
Bible words everywhere? We can!
Who can utter, who can speak
Bible words every day of the week? Us!
Motions: Point to self; to others, to group.
Great for circle time!
Think About It! (U)
When in your Bible
a scripture you find:
(Palms up to make
Use your eyes, read it!
(Look down as if
reading it.)
Use your lips, speak it!
(Point to lips.)
Then use your mind--
think about it!
(Pat head. Raise voice!)
Celebrate the Bible! (V)
Celebrate the Bible
with a boom, boom, boom.
Celebrate the Bible
march around the room.
Celebrate the Bible
with a ring, ring, ring.
Celebrate the Bible;
Praise the Lord and sing.
Celebrate the Bible
with a cheer, cheer, cheer.
Celebrate the Bible
every day of the year!
Be Wise! (V)
Be wise what you
put before your eyes,
(Point to eyes.)
Be wise what you
hear with your ears.
(Point to ears.)
Cling to wholesome
(Hug self.)
Vow now to do it!
(Shake finger; raise voice!)
A Prayer to Pray (V)
Dear Lord:
"I vow now today
to be wise, to obey,
and not to allow
'any wicked thing
before my eyes.'"*
*From Psalm 101:3a
Will You? It's Your Decision (W)
Here's a decision you must make:
Will you follow the Lord?
What path will you take?
What path will you take?
Will you fear the Lord all your days?
Will you trust Him wholly,
and walk in his ways? Will you?
This Day: Choose Life,
Choose Good! (W)
This day--
Love God always.
Choose life,
choose good.
You should!
This day--
Walk in God's ways.
Choose life,
choose good.
You should!
This day--Turn not away!
Choose life,
choose good.
You should!*
From Deuterony 30:15-20
This Day Know Ye (X)
This day know ye--
his greatness,
his mighty hand,
his stretched-out arm,
his miracles,
his acts you did* see--
this day know ye!
* do, will From Deut.
What's a Yad? (Y)
A yad*
is a rod
to read
*Pronounced "yod"
as in God.
At Harvest Time (Y)
At harvest time
when you're aware
stalks of wheat*
you've left there;
leave them for
the stranger,
the fatherless,
and the widow--
to glean from.
From Deuteronomy 24
*Repeat twice more.
substitute "juicy grapes"
or "extra olives" for
"stalks of wheat."
Inside Your Bible (Z)
Inside your Bible are:
Don't turn aside verses,
Hide in the heart verses,
Abide in the Lord verses
to zero in on.
Every Day (Z)
Every day
zero in on God's way:
the narrow way,
the one way,
the none other name way,
the Jesus way.
A Plea to Gen Z (Z)
Gen Z--
Be smart,
do not depart.
Love God with
all your heart!
Love Him, not