Monday, July 29, 2019

ABC: Bible Meditation for Me!: E Is for Emotions!

ABC: Bible Meditation for Me!:  E Is for Emotions!

ABC: Bible Meditation for Me!:  Bible Meditation Vs. Eastern Meditation

Introduction:  This is a lesson in a twenty-six part ABC lesson series for parents, grandparents, kids, and teachers.  Posted so far are: A, B, D, F, H, L, O, P, Q, R, T, U, V, W, X, and Z.  Scroll back for each of these lessons.

E Is for Emotions

E is for emotions:
sensations we feel
like being glad,
sad, or mad
that are very real!

A Meditation Verse to Repeat

In Psalm 104:34 the psalmist writes, "My meditation of him shall be sweet: I will be glad in the Lord."   Even if you're feeling sad, this verse can cheer you up!  Mark a M beside this verse in your Bible, and draw a tiny happy face.  What "emotion" word is used? 

My Meditation Marker

Cut out a marker rectangle.  Draw a happy face circle; cut out.  Tape the happy face to marker top so its bottom edge overlaps a page.  Print Ps.104:34 on it.  Place it in your Bible.

Another Sweet Verse to Repeat

Psalm 119:103 is another neat "sweet" verse to know and ponder.  It says, "How sweet are thy words unto my taste!  yea, sweeter than honey to my mouth."

Rejoice In the Lord Always!

Philippians 4:4 says, "Rejoice in the Lord alway: and again I say, Rejoice."  Find this scripture verse in your Bible; write two little music notes next to it.  Listen to it here, and sing it too!

King David's Sin Makes Him Sad

In Psalm 51, David told how sad he was because he had committed some awful sins.  David asks God to have mercy on him and to cleanse and forgive him for all he'd done.  David said, "His sin was ever before him."  David says as a baby he had been born into sin.  David begs God to forgive him and give him a clean heart.  He wants to be happy and glad again.

Did you notice what David did when he felt so sad and sinful.  He cried out to God for forgiveness, and God heard him. How about you?  Have you ever felt sorry for all your sins and asked the Lord to save you?  And if you already know the Lord as your Savior, do you confess your sins to him?  I John 1:9 says, "If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins, and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness."

Eastern Meditation   

E Is for Emotions

E is for emotions,
C is for commotion,
P is for promotion
of mindfulness and
yoga, you do to fix it.

Mindfulness and Yoga Will Settle Your Emotions

Some say mindfulness and yoga will help you, but it is not the Bible way.  Instead it tells you to do things God says are not good--like repeating words over and over, doing poses that relate to gods, or letting your thoughts pass by.  

A Kids Yoga Feelings Book

Giselle Shardlow has written many yoga books and materials.  One book is a yoga feelings book titled: The Grateful Giraffe.  In it, one will meet animals such as the grateful giraffe, the fussy koala, the frustrated frog, the sneaky snake, the sad sloth and more.  For every one of these animals there's a yoga pose to do.  Shardlow has products galore of which she assures the buyer they will enable kids gain control of their emotions.;_ylt=A2KIbMqRRj5dIswA9A9XNyoA;_ylu=X3oDMTByMjB0aG5zBGNvbG8DYmYxBHBvcwMxBHZ0aWQDBHNlYwNzYw--?p=The+Grateful+Giraffe+by+Giselle+Shardlow&fr=yfp-t

Blissful Kids Suggests "Mindfulness Pauses"

Blissful Kids' "Mindfulness for Children--3 Ways to Be Mindful of Our Emotions" by Michelle Paget(2016) names "Anchor Words," "Stop, Drop, and Breathe," and "Finding Our Quiet Place" as "mindfulness pause" ideas to help children conquer their emotions.   Read the article here:

Parental Suggestion:

"Mindfulness for Kids--Learning to Manage Your Emotions" (3-1-2018) from the Psychology department of "Exploring Your Mind" has a provocative article concerning mindfulness and its infiltration into every corner of our culture. 

It especially emphasizes that the time to get children started in mindfulness should be by the age of three!  It tells how mindfulness has spread round the world.  It states the U.K., Canada, Holland, the United States, and Australia all plan to include it in their school curriculum.  By 2020, says the article, mindfulness practices should be in every school.

View Air France's "The Frog In the Air Video"
This video encourages one to learn something new so you can "Come home to yourself."   How? Travelers are told to  click on to Air France's mind app to find two options: one for an adult, and the other for children.  Adults listen to a guided meditation taken from Christophe Andre's book Looking at Mindfulness. Kids hear: a guided meditation from the Sitting Still Like a Frog book by Eline Snel of the Netherlands. These "meditations will be your guide" the voice on the app states.  Don't miss this brief video here: (1:12)

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