Tuesday, July 9, 2019

ABC: Bible Meditation for Me!: W Is for Well Doing/Well Wishes!

ABC: Bible Meditation for Me!: W Is for Well Doing/Well Wishes!

ABC:  Bible Meditation for Me! Bible Meditation Vs. Eastern Meditation

Introduction:  This lesson is one of twenty-six ABC lessons for parents, grandparents, kids, and teachers.  As of now B, D, L, O, P, Q, R, U, V, X, and Z have been posted.  Scroll back to read the others.

W Is for Well Doing

W is for well doing:
a term we should learn
to do good to others,
to show our concern.

A Lady Full of Good Works

In Acts 9 we read of a certain lady named Dorcas or Tabitha who was full of good works.  And it came to pass, the story says, that Dorcas died.  Dorcas' friends knowing the apostle Peter wasn't too far away sent for him.  When Peter arrived, all the widows stood round Peter weeping showing him the coats and clothing Dorcas had made while she was with them.  Afterwards, Peter put everyone out, knelt down and prayed.  Then he turned toward where Dorcas lay and said, "Tabitha, arise!"  Right away she opened her eyes and sat up.  After helping her get up, he called all the saints and widows and presented her alive.  This miracle was known throughout all Joppa, and many believed in the Lord.

A Meditation Reflection About Well Doing

In Galatians 6:9,10 we read:  "And let us not be weary in well doing, ….  As we have therefore opportunity, let us do good unto all men, especially those of the household of faith."

Well Doing Verse Marker

Cut out a marker from sturdy paper.  Hold vertically; punch holes so evenly spaced down both sides.  Use two lengths of yarn to thread in and out of both sides.  Print verse and glue on.   

P Is for Prayer

P is for prayer,
the Bible way,
to pray for
others every day
asking the Lord
to let us see
how we can help
so we may be--
like Jesus!

Suspicious of Well Wishes!

Once I was in a class full of PreK children. It was morning circle time. The teacher looked round the class and named the children who weren't there.  Let's sing the "Wish You Well" song she said.  So everyone did.  Now, that seemed nice to do, after all one would want anyone who was sick or had problems to get well.  But soon the teacher said think of one of your friends that's absent, picture them in your mind, and send them some good wishes!  What?  I was astounded. Something wasn't right, and I became suspicious of these well wishes!  This seemed like prayer, but they weren't allowed to pray.  So what kind of ritual was this?

Eastern Meditation

W Is for Well Wishes

W is for well wishes,
a Buddhist prayer done
as good wishes are visualized
to be sent to someone.

"Making a Difference the Buddhist Way"

Still puzzled over the term "well wishes," an article titled "Make a Difference in the World-- the Buddhist Way" by Dr. Kim/Dr. Hil caught my attention.  In it was the practice of wishing someone well.  The authors said this practice was known as "Tonglen."  Reading other articles, I soon found that "Loving Kindness Meditation or Metta" was something very much like Tonglen, but usually was taught first followed byTonglen.   However, I now knew the root of the well wishes visualizations--Buddhism.

Start With Yourself!  The Lovingkindness Ritual

An article "How to Teach Children Lovingkindness Meditation" found on mindfulness guru Sharon Salzberg's site says: "We must first love ourselves before we can love others and offer lovingkindness to the world around us."  Metta or lovingkindness meditation, says the writer Sandi Swartz, means sending "positive thoughts" and "well wishes" first to ourselves.

To begin, you sit, close your eyes, and say one of four mantra-like phrases in your mind or out loud.  These wishes are:  "May I be safe.  May I be healthy and strong.  May I be happy.  May I be peaceful and at ease."  After, visualize someone else you want to send kind thoughts to.  Change the praises to "May you be safe. …  May you be peaceful and at ease."  Next, direct your thoughts and phrases to a neutral person-one neither liked or disliked.  Follow that with someone you dislike or are having trouble with.  Lastly, direct your thoughts at all living beings universally.

Biblical Lovingkindness Verse

Here's a Bible lovingkindness verse to sing!  Is this "lovingkindness" like the Buddhist meditation?  No, this verse is about God's love, not about sending well wishes to one's self or others.  Sing it and the next verse here:

Psalm 63:3,4  "... thy lovingkindness is better than life, my lips shall praise thee,  Thus will I bless thee, … I will lift up my hands in thy name."

Parental Suggestion:

Parental Book Look

A new picture book called May All People and Pigs Be Happy to be published in October 2019 is about a seven-year-old girl named Claire and her stuffed pig "Pigalina."  Through different encounters Pigalina teaches Claire loving kindness meditation.  Claire first learns to wish herself well: "May I be safe, May I be happy, and May I feel love."  After a bit, Pigalina helps Claire change the phrases to others: "May YOU be safe, May We be safe, and May ALL people and pigs be safe." 

This book is written by the former pupil of mindfulness zealot Jon Kabot-Zinn and founder of Mindful Living Micki Fine.   Its first endorser is Andrew Jordan Nance who wrote Puppy Mind.  Another is U.S. Congressman Tim Ryan (Ohio), an author of a mindfulness book as well, declaring our nation will benefit from such a book.  Still another is a Texas doctor who says of the book,  "It should be in every health care provider's office."  Perhaps, the endorser who tells best what the agenda is says, "Through May All Pigs and People be Happy Micki has found a way to teach loving-kindness meditation to children with no background in meditation or mindfulness."

The Wellness Agenda

At our local health center what does one see on the screen of the constantly running wellness programs, but a real push to sell meditation and mindfulness being presented every few minutes.  This push is everywhere.  Be prepared for it!



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