Tuesday, July 9, 2019

ABC: Bible Meditation for Me!: P Is for Present/Being Present!

ABC:  Bible Meditation for Me!: P Is for Present/Being Present!

ABC:  Bible Meditation for Me!:  Bible Meditation Vs. Eastern Meditation

Introduction:  This lesson is one of twenty-six ABC lessons in a series for parents, grandparents, kids, and youth leaders.  There are already eleven other lessons completed; please scroll back to read them.

In the Present

In the present
every minute
I can live in it
for Christ!

Consider It! A Contemplation Meditation!

Deuteronomy 4:39 says, "Know therefore this day, consider it in thine heart, that the LORD he is God in heaven above, and the earth beneath: there is none else."    Recall, the Deuteronomy "Do It" verse; this is a Deuteronomy "Consider It!" verse.

A Calendar Contemplation Marker 

Cut a marker from an old calendar page; edge it with a colored marker.  On it glue a copy of Deuteronomy 4:39.  One side of marker glue a strip saying:  "Consider It!"

Moses' "This Day!"  

Deuteronomy tells us the story of Moses' talk to God's people where he kept saying "This day!"
"This day" was a day when Moses also told the people to remember the past.  "The day" Moses reminded the people of the day they had stood before Mt. Horeb to hear God's words to fear the Lord all the days of their lives and teach them to their children.  That day had been dark, cloudy, and smoky for the mountain was on fire.  And on that very same day, God gave them the ten commandments as he spoke to them out of flames. 

Not only did Moses speak of that day when the people stood near to Mt. Horeb, but Moses warned them of what would happen on a latter (future) day that would come, when they'd be far away in other countries because they had not remembered to obey the Lord. Moses also reminded them  that  God was in heaven above, in the earth beneath, and there was no other God besides him.  (Deuteronomy 4)

Discuss: Moses talked about "this day," the day Moses was talking to them.  And Moses spoke about a past day when they had been near Mt. Horeb.  Moses also talked about a later day when they would be far away in another place. That's called past, present, and future.  By the way, God doesn't tell us to forget all the past, nor does he tell us not to think about the future.  Instead, he wants us to think of the past and learn from it for today, and today he wants us to get ready for the future!       

"This Day" Verse Search

Open your Bible to Deuteronomy 4.  Read the story yourself or have your parent help you.  Search through the verses to discover how many times Moses said "this day."    Mark each one with a highlighter.    

"This Is the Day!"  Sing It Verse  

"This is the day which the LORD hath made;  we will rejoice and be glad in it." Ps.118:24

Today I Can

In bed, or out,
Sitting or standing,
Walking or playing,
No matter where,
No matter when,
I can meditate,
I can pray today!

Eastern Meditation

P Is for 
Being Present

P is for being
present right
this minute,
forgetting the
past or future,
to live in it.

Puppy Mind by Andrew Jordan Nash

Andrew Jordan Nash wrote a book called Puppy Mind.  In it there's a boy who says his mind is like his puppy, always scampering about running toward whatever passes by.  Sometimes his mind takes him back to when he was little or to the future when he'll grow up. When this happens, he gets angry at his puppy mind because it jumps about so much.  If only, the boy says, I can make my mind stay still.  To do this the boy tries three deep breaths.  In the end,  the boy decides to train his puppy mind to be present to the moment by remembering to breathe and breathe and breathe. This boy was doing mindfulness.

Do boys and girls have to worry about puppy minds?  No!  Do they have to keep watching their breath?  No again!  Instead, we can use the breath that the Lord gave us to talk about the wonderful things He has done, and made.

What Does It Mean to Be Present? by Rana DiOrio      

What Does It Mean to Be Present? by Rana Di Orio is a picture book that perpetrates being present from the point of view of mindfulness meditators.  This begins with the questions as to what it means to be present, followed by illustrations and insertions of all their teachings. 

It says we must focus on what's happening now, not what is happening next.  It mentions needing to be kind and grateful.  It mentions eating mindfully.  It highlights using all the senses.  It sums up its message with a two-page spread of a boy, girl, and dog lying on the ground breathing in and out, feeling peaceful, closing their eyes, and listening to their "inner voices."  It further states being present means living in the moment knowing yesterday is history, tomorrow is mystery, and today is a gift. 

It encourages kids to spread the word among their friends that being present makes our world so wonderful.  Its yoga-loving, global-leaning author is highlighted near the end as wanting positive change!  Parents, explain these teachings to your kids, and help them understand that God desires  boys and girls to come to know scripture, come to know the Lord as Savior, begin to live as Jesus taught, and be ready to meet him some day. 


Parental Suggestion:

A Look at Puppy Mind's Author 

Who is Andrew Jordan Nance?  What is his agenda?  What does he believe?  In short order you will see that he is a an ardent mindfulness evangelist with a passion to spread it everywhere.  He is founder of Mindful Arts of San Francisco and has worked in SF schools.  There he has volunteer
taught fours/fives in transitional kindergartens "the gift of using the breath to focus the mind and body" in the classroom.  He teaches basic meditative techniques telling little children to breathe quietly while thinking "with this breath my mind grows stronger so I can focus a little longer."   He even suggests a mantra word or two.  If they think thoughts, or get antsy he tells them to go back to their breath.

Hear Nance interview:  "Mindfully Taming Your Puppy Mind with Andrew Nance" here:

Where did he learn all this?  He's gotten training from Mindful Schools, Spirit Rock Meditation Center, the Greater Good Science Center, The Omega Institute, Esalen, and more.  Note that Spirit Rock's Buddhist teacher Sylvia Boorstein endorsed Puppy Mind.  Nance also is a long time member of the retreat center's Wednesday Sangha.*  Go to "C Is for Calm" to read more about Nance and his upcoming book: The Lion in Me!

*  Definition:  Mostly used to describe a community of fellow practitioners in Buddhism.




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